
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 10:05:44


I think there's a lot of things we all are passionate about , in my case those things are : cycling , swimming , playing piano , travel , been a good engineer and some other stuff .
so i think it's better to say what work are you passionate about right now ?
It's much easier to say , for me is playing the Beethoven's moonlight sonata . It's one of my favorite classic works .
So , what about you ? you didn't even answer your question .


就是写 你最喜欢 最感兴趣的事什么?比如 music
I most passionate is music
It makes me feel relaxed and happy
后面自己随便写呀 用些连接词什么的。。。firtly scondly last but not least ... in addition