帮忙写一篇关于皮耶罗的英语作文..10字左右,急用德尔·皮耶罗少年成名,一直被认为是罗伯特·巴乔的接班人,其职业生涯的坎坷 踢球风格和坚韧不拔的性格也最像巴乔.特别是皮耶罗职业生涯

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/06 20:54:27

帮忙写一篇关于皮耶罗的英语作文..10字左右,急用德尔·皮耶罗少年成名,一直被认为是罗伯特·巴乔的接班人,其职业生涯的坎坷 踢球风格和坚韧不拔的性格也最像巴乔.特别是皮耶罗职业生涯
德尔·皮耶罗少年成名,一直被认为是罗伯特·巴乔的接班人,其职业生涯的坎坷 踢球风格和坚韧不拔的性格也最像巴乔.特别是皮耶罗职业生涯的后期表现出了一种非凡的敬业精神和良好的状态,赢得了足球界的一致好评.亚历山德罗·德尔·皮耶罗14岁时便进入帕多瓦队训练4年,其间曾入选意大利18岁以下青年队.1993年,被著名教练特拉帕托尼召入尤文图斯队,担任前锋同时亦能胜任前腰位置.目前已为尤文图斯打入300球,成为尤文图斯历史第一射手.

帮忙写一篇关于皮耶罗的英语作文..10字左右,急用德尔·皮耶罗少年成名,一直被认为是罗伯特·巴乔的接班人,其职业生涯的坎坷 踢球风格和坚韧不拔的性格也最像巴乔.特别是皮耶罗职业生涯
Del Piero Youth fame, has been considered to be Roberto Baggio's successor, the ups and downs of his career playing style and tenacity of character are most like Baggio. In particular, Del Piero's late career has shown a remarkable dedication and good condition, has won praise football. Alessandro Del Piero at age 14 will enter the Padua team training four years, during which appeared in Italian under 18 youth team. In 1993, the famous coach Giovanni Trapattoni has been called up Juventus as forward the same time competent Frontal position. Juventus now has the ball into the 300, becoming the first striker Juventus history.