高一英语 free talk 急~~~~英语课前的free talk ,至少5分钟.高手最好帮我写关于汉昭帝的,内容不要太复杂,简单点的就好.水平像初三的就好了,谢谢.感谢您的大恩大德,我永世难报.因为在下星期要

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 08:18:04

高一英语 free talk 急~~~~英语课前的free talk ,至少5分钟.高手最好帮我写关于汉昭帝的,内容不要太复杂,简单点的就好.水平像初三的就好了,谢谢.感谢您的大恩大德,我永世难报.因为在下星期要
高一英语 free talk 急~~~~
英语课前的free talk ,至少5分钟.高手最好帮我写关于汉昭帝的,内容不要太复杂,简单点的就好.水平像初三的就好了,谢谢.

高一英语 free talk 急~~~~英语课前的free talk ,至少5分钟.高手最好帮我写关于汉昭帝的,内容不要太复杂,简单点的就好.水平像初三的就好了,谢谢.感谢您的大恩大德,我永世难报.因为在下星期要
(1)free talk一分钟--(panda),
Oct 1st and 2nd,I went on errand.I went to national nature protection zone called Wolong,the hometown of Panda,The road situation during the trip was very bad,therefore,this errand was pretty hard,I didn't take my sony F828 camera cause the time was not enough.As a result,I just grabbed a common DC,the quality of the pics is not very good.Any way,I got the pics of the panda,Wanna show you my national treasure-Panda!
(2)The Most Important Thing in My Life
Some things around us may be small,but often it ‘s of great value in our life.So a common thing in our daily life can even own the power to change the orbit of our life.
This is the most important thing that I would keep in mind forever.In my opinion,I did well in math and so did my classmate Jim.We often communicate with each other.Once ,our school would hold a mathematics competition and make it a rule that every class only had one representative.The chance was so precious that I didn’t want to miss it.But Jim was also a good competitor to me.So our math teacher give a test between us.The result was that Jim beat me by one point.How disappointed I was then!But ,just after a minute,Jim turned back to my teacher and explained that our teacher had made a mistake so that it was I that should be the winner instead of him.Therefore ,I finally was chosen to be the representative of our class.
Then I really didn’t know how to express my feeling,but I knew that I would never forget what this thing taught me.It might seem to be a small thing but I really learned a lot from that.It tells me that I should be honest at any time and it is the best policy in our life.

既然是free talk 为啥还有主题哦,为什么不谈谈你开心得事呢额~因为我觉得好像没有开心的事。讲自我介绍也不喜欢,什么喜欢的东西啊~也好像不感兴趣!你有什么其他好的推荐咯!以小见大的事啊,比如新闻上曾说老人倒街上,你还敢不敢扶之类的。。。看你喜欢说什么喽...


既然是free talk 为啥还有主题哦,为什么不谈谈你开心得事呢
