
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/21 20:46:04


I'm sorry to hear that you are not good at math.But I will help you to improve your math.First,you must listen to your math teacher carefully.Second,you must do your math homework seriously.In the end,you must do math exercises as much as you can.I wish you will be good at math soon.

Hey,I've heard your math is not so well. Don't worry. I will help you. I want to give you some advices: first, you should listen to your teacher, it is really important. Second, you need to do more ex...


Hey,I've heard your math is not so well. Don't worry. I will help you. I want to give you some advices: first, you should listen to your teacher, it is really important. Second, you need to do more exercises in your free time.
If you have any questions, remember you can ask me, I'm really glad to help you, and I hope your math will be better.


I'm sorry to heart that,Don't worry,I will help you,I want to give you some good advices.First,you must be listen to your math teacher,it is very important,Second,you need to do more exercise in your free.
If you have some question,remember you can tell me ,I'm very happy to help you,and I hope your math will be better.


英语作文:他的数学成绩不太好,请你以好朋友的身份给他提几条如何提高数学的好办法. 他数学成绩好 英语 英语作文(招聘)——小海的数学和英语成绩不太好小海的数学和英语成绩不太好,他的妈妈想要给她请老师在往上补习.条件如下:1.能在晚上工作的中学数学和英语教师.2.年龄在25-45岁之间.3. 【挑战】数学成绩不太好, 【挑战】数学成绩不太好, 本人数学成绩不太好, 我的成绩不太好,都是因为作文!怎样写好小学作文? 八年级英语作文:你的好朋友的英语成绩不好,他感到很有压力,请你为他提几条建议,帮助提高英语成绩. 数学英语买什么参考书好?数学英语成绩都不见好,想买参考书但是不知道买什么样的,我成绩也不太好,在班里中等,想趁这个暑假努力补补,求参考书推荐 孩子考完试了,英语成绩不太好,有好的建议吗? 我语文和英语的成绩都是名列前茅可唯独数学成绩不太好我不想因此掉队我该怎么办? 你的好朋友的英语成绩不好,他感到很有压力,请你为她提几条建议,帮助提高英语成绩.英语作文 小孩上初一,成绩不太好,我好着急,想找一家好的初一家教,给他补补课.北京地区 以“假如你是张琳,你的笔友李刚的英语不太好,给他发一封电子邮件,提些建议”为题,写一篇英语作文. 女儿今年初一,这次月考成绩出来了,数学语文150,英语140的卷面分,考了,数学127.语文120.英语120、这成绩是不是不太好? 假如你的同学李明的英文成绩不好,他向你求教如何学好英语,请你给他一些有益的建议英语作文,70字左右 80 英语:83 平均分:85 1.请你枯算一下,他的数学成绩是比平均分,还是比平均分低?2.帮他算 英语作文:你的同学因为英语成绩不好很伤心,请你安慰他并给他提几点建议.条理清晰.顺便写下翻译.