除了 的用法 比如apart from besides except for之类之类意思的词组或者单词的用法区别及意义

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/08 05:44:06

除了 的用法 比如apart from besides except for之类之类意思的词组或者单词的用法区别及意义
除了 的用法 比如apart from besides except for之类之类意思的词组或者单词的用法区别及意义

除了 的用法 比如apart from besides except for之类之类意思的词组或者单词的用法区别及意义
表示“除了…以外”的介词 besides,except,except for,but,apart from 等.
1) besides 表示“除 … 以外,(还,也)”,相当于 in addition to.例如:
Besides English,they also study math,physics and chemistry
注意:不要将besides和beside 混淆.beside是“在…旁边”的意思.
2) except 表示“除…外,(其余都)…”,常与all,every,no,none,nothing 等含有整体肯定或否定意义的词连用.
except 是英语中少数用法最为活跃的介词之一,其后除了可跟名(代)词外,还可跟另一介词短语、动词不定式短语或 that 引导的从句 .例如:
He answered all the questions except the last one.
I went nowhere except to the library.除了图书馆以外,我哪儿都没有去.
We all went except him.除了他(没去)以外,我们都去了.
Three others also went besides him.除了他(去了)以外,还去了三个人.
[注] except 与 except for区别
except for 也表示“除 … 以外”,但是和 except 不同的是:与 except 连用的整体词和 except 所跟的词常常是同类的,是指整体除去一部份; 而与 except for 连用的整体词与 except for 所跟的词往往不是同类的,是指整体中除去 一个细节.例如:
Your composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes.
Except for an old lady,the bus was empty.除了有一个老太太以外,这辆公共汽车是空的.
3) apart from 表示“除 …之外”.根据上、下文的不同,它既可用作 besides,也可用作 except 和 except for.例如:
Apart from them,I had no one to talk to.(= except)
Apart from other considerations,time is also a factor.(=besides)
(It is) Good work apart from a few slight faults.(= except for)

apart from的用法是什么? 除了 的用法 比如apart from besides except for之类之类意思的词组或者单词的用法区别及意义 表示“除了”的英文单词及词组的用法级区别?besides、except、except for 、apart from等等 apart from和aside from的具体用法?. Expect Expext from beside apart from 这几个“除了”的区别 请回答except、except for、Apart from、except that、besides、beside的区别和用法 apart和apart from 有关高中英语的主语省略,非谓语的用法Apart from being considered as an entertaining and healthy sport(除了作为一种有趣且健康的运动外),swimming is a very useful skill.为什么不是Apart from considering as an entertaini 有关主语省略,非谓语的用法Apart from being considered as an entertaining and healthy sport(除了作为一种有趣且健康的运动外), swimming is a very useful skill.问题:为什么不是Apart from considering as an entertaining an 有关高中英语主语省略,非谓语的用法Apart from being considered as an entertaining and healthy sport(除了作为一种有趣且健康的运动外),swimming is a very useful skill.为什么不是Apart from considering as an entertaining apart from except for与apart from分别的用法是什么? Except from 、Away from、 Apart from 、Beside from的区别 《WHAT EVERY MAN THINKS ABOUT APART FROM SEX》(《男人除了哪里有卖的,正版的,最好是网购 tell apart 和 tell from的区别 apart from 和except的区别 apart from 和 except的区别 apart from; except; besides 的差别RT