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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/10 06:39:10 少儿英语

Damon and Pythias


A young man whose name was Pythias had done something which the tyrant Dionysius did not like. For this offence he was dragged to prison, and a day was set when he should be put to death. His home was far away, and he wanted very much to see his father and mother and friends before he died.


"Only give me leave to go home and say good-by to those whom I love," he said, "and then I will come back and give up my life."


The tyrant laughed at him.


"How can I know that you will keep your promise?" he said. "You only want to cheat
me, and save yourself."


Then a young man whose name was Darmon spoke and said.


"O king! Put me in prison in place of my friend Pythias, and let him go to his own country to put his affairs in order, and to bid his friends farewell. I know that he will come back as he promised, for he is a man who has never gone back on his word. But if he is not here on the day which you have set, then I will die in his stead."


The tyrant was surprised that anybody should make such an offer. He at last agreed to let Pythias go, and gave orders that the young man Damon should be shut up in prison.


Time passed, and by and by the day drew near which had been set for Pythias to die;and he had not come back. The tyrant ordered the jailer to keep close watch upon Darnon, and not let him escape. But Damon did not try to escape. He still had faith in the truth and honor of his friend. He said, "If Pythias does not come back in time, it will not be his fault.It will be because he is hindered against his will."
