
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/02 05:07:58
求一段练习英语口语的素材要求:时间是5~10分钟```男音 水平是4级左右 英文原稿也一起给我 今天你要嫁给我中的jolin in the housedt(david tao) in the houseour love in the helive in the house n 什么to our s 食物进到胃、肠以后,还可与氧气接触吗?我看到有人这样说:"把蒜切碎,经空气氧化15分钟后,大蒜里面的大蒜素就会发挥防癌作用"如果不切,直接吃下,进入胃肠后,是不是也能有空气氧 食物从胃进入肠道后还会被吐出来吗?换句话说,如果发生呕吐的话,吐出来的东西有可能从肠子倒回胃部再吐出来么? 人的胃和肠道能装下几斤的东西? 平静的近、反义词是什么 安宁的近反义词是什么? 赛菲瑞亚的昵称,英文写出来是Cytheria就像Severus 昵称Sev,Narcissa昵称Cissy一样的 书上写A third man enterde the room.意思又有第三个人进入房间,这里用A可以吗?为什么呢? You_may only be a person in this world, but for me You are the world 写一篇关于 Are geniuses made or born 的文章.100字左右,涵盖下列问题.Are geniuses made or born?Do you believe when a person is born,his or her personality is already determined?What factors do you think are important in the development 下面是一首歌的歌词,你能找出描写天气的单词吗?Oh,the weather is hot.And the sky is clear.It's a beautiful spot.This time of year.Oh,the weather is hot and the sky is clear.Oh,I'm never going to leave this place again.Oh,the clouds 下面是一首歌的歌词,你能找出描写天气的单词吗?请写在后面的横线上.Oh,the weather is hot.And the sky is clear.It's a beautiful spot.This time of year.Oh,the weather is hot and the sky is clear.Oh,I'm never going to leave thi 上海2010年世博会是历史上第几届世博会? Because it would only make youBecause it would only make your mouth water in vain. These eyes are made of love and can only see in others what they,themselves,are made of.帮我吧句子还原一下 是our students还是us students经常讲到“我们学生”这个短语,到底是用our students还是us students,或者是要根据是主语还是宾语区别对待?最好在再写几个例句... 英文名艾琳什么意思 用所给单词的适当形式填空yesterday may ____ her seat to an old man on the bus (give) 昨天下午的英文单词怎么写”昨天下午”啊! 用所给单词的正确形式填空 We (run) to the bus yesterday as作为介词和连词时怎么判断?请详细举例谢谢 such as 中as是连词还是介词?Such a clever boy as he can learn anything quickly.这个句子中as是什么词性? 英语句中as是连词还是介词?Another policeman has been injured as fighting continued this morning.又一名警察在今天上午打斗继续过程中受了伤. 7. You’ll never _________ anything if you spend your time that way!A. amount forB. accommodate withC. amount toD. accuse of as well可以作连词吗? 英文名suellen的发音,是苏伦,还是苏艾琳 Do not hope for such things ____ you can never achieve?They are only day dreams.A.which B.that C.as D.of which为什么 Allin 可以作为英文名吗?怎么发音?是翻作艾琳吗? 中文意思wishing the nicest things always for you,not only today,but all the year through.because yo 关于as well as作为连词和as…as结构的一点疑问比如说she speaks English as well as French这句话是理解成他说英语又说法语还是她英语说得和法语一样好?这样的两种结构在纯的选择题中怎么区分?1L