
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 06:32:48
Tigers _____(bear) in the zoo are afraid of rabbits还要整句翻译噢,有点看不懂- -什么老虎熊啊... 阿斗的阿字怎么读?a还是e?有人读a,有人读e,该怎么读?字典上好像该读a,但是三国演义电视剧里读的是e难道三国演义和贞观长歌里都读错了? 那个···刘禅的字是什么啊,演义都没提到,正史有记载没? 求教谚语的寓意:"Nothing dries sooner than tears." no sooner+ past perfect +than1,no sooner had we arrived ,than it started to rain .2,we had no sooner arrived,than it started to rain .有什么区别? 漂亮beautiful什么意思 刘禅的“禅”到底念什么?我一直是念SHAN的,但老师念CHAN,我记得易中天也是念SHAN,究竟应该念哪个? 刘禅的禅念什么 用所给词的适当形式填空.which is the ____(good)season in new york?并说出原因. 什么是氨糖?润骨素氨糖是硫酸盐氨糖还是盐酸盐氨糖?硫酸盐氨糖好还是盐酸盐氨糖好? in or from the north of a country这个英文所解释的是哪个英文单词? I`m going t learn English from seven()nine求()填什么单词 A at B to C past Does anyone in this place speak english fluently?If anyone does,add me. When you discover a English chemical book which you must learn tomorrow,then what do you think?If you are a Chinese student loner什么意思 I bought the story book when I was ten.(改为同义句)I______the story book____I was ten. Mississippi often ranks low in education,so the news surprised many people.翻译 我在吃禾健氨糖,前几天看别人说硫酸盐和盐酸盐不同,哪个更好?禾健氨糖是盐酸盐 禾健氨糖里面为什么是盐酸盐不是硫酸盐? 在三角形ABC中,角A,B,C所对的边分别为a,b,c,已知A=π/3,bc=8,a=2倍根号3,求b+c的值, 博士.硕士的英语要达到几级 Don't cry so hard ,th best thing come when you least expect them to .这句话的中文意思是什么? 英语中的next和the next的区别、什么时候用到过去式.什么时候用到间接引语.什么时候是现在时?是next day和the next day的区别、我错了 Larry is much less hard-working,though. much less hard-working怎么解释不是说much修饰比较级么,hardworking 不是比较级啊,less是较少的意思,. She is much less hard -working though.求翻译 news前面可加the吗? the news cheering him up对吗?cheering前要不要加be动词? 务必告诉他这个消息!__ __him the news 什么是BLAST本地化 请问BLAST分析到底是怎么一回事?.我是行外人士,不太清楚, 用英语写一篇《How to help wild animal》急!