
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 09:02:51
甲、乙两个车间人数的比是5:3如果从甲车间调22人到乙车间,这时甲、乙两车间的人数的比是3:4,甲、乙车间原来个有几人 ? 用2种方法 某工场甲乙两车间的人数比是4比3如果从甲车间调22人到乙车间,则两车间-的人数比是3比5、问两车间原各有多少工人? 为什么中国古代把数学称为算术? 为什么中国古代把“数学”称为“算术”? 我的为什么中国古代把数学称为算术? 除了更相减损术,秦九韶算术和割圆术还有哪些中国古代数学中的算法 求SAT词汇巴朗3500 音频mp3 在Excel中,当输入有算数运算关系的数字和符号时,必须以()方式进行输入急用, SAT语法题(在线等解答)Like many people,Luanne believes that parents can foster musical ability in small children (out of) playing classical music for them while they are infants.答案说out of 有错误,请问应该怎么修改? 一道sat语法题,The people sitting behind me in the movie theater were talking throughout the film and would not keep their (voices) down even after being asked to do so.我知道这里voice为什么加s了,谁能在给我说说类似的词? 有好多追加分(回答正确很好的) 初一语文上册题 跪谢速度回答啊 下列句子用了什么说明方法?有什么作用1、云就像天气的“招牌” 2、卷积云,积云和高积云常在两千米左右的高空.3、“ 根据下列词语的意境写一句诗生机勃发壮志凌云依依惜别最好是千古名句依依惜别 海内存知己,天涯若比邻 那年,我在南非克鲁格国家公园拍摄风光片,意外地捕捉到了一段动人心弦的真实画面.那天傍晚,一群野牛正沿着河岸缓缓前行,而在前方不远处,六七只狮子,正藏在草丛里,等待着猎物的到来.两 人生哲理小故事+评论 求一个有哲理的小故事,要有评论 SAT语法题目一道~No one is more sorrier than me that you missed the awards ceremony.其中的more sorrier than me 按照答案应该改成sorrier than I.但是介词than后面不是应该是me吗? 请解答! 有什么歌里面歌词是凌晨0点10分的 清晨》要配情景剧!情景剧,是要早晨的景色的,要剧本, 小石潭记课后练习题一、默读课文,说说作者依次描写了哪些景物.二、细读课文,说说作者笔下的小石潭有哪些特点,并用原文说说作者是怎样表现这些特点的.不过要回答正确!1楼的留下QQ 用向量方法表示正弦量能得到正弦量的两个要素,分别是什么和什么? 某正弦交流电路的总电流、总电压相量图如图2所示,已知 Im=1.41A ,U=220∠0V 则I= . 这是一道雅思作文题,不过看不懂呀.麻烦各位看下,Some people think the main purpose of schools is to turn the children into good citizens and workers,rather than to benefit them as individuals.是孩子长大成为好市民,好工作 雅思作文题怎么看不懂了- -Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each types of crime.Others,however,argue that the circumstances of an individual crime,and the motivation for committing it,should always be taken into 雅思一道作文题原文是这样的some people think it would be a good idea for schools to teach every young person how to be a good parent .Do you agree or disagree with this opinion ? Describe the skills a person needs to be a good parent.能 大家帮忙分析几道雅思作文题!1.The first time when the man (astronant?) arrived on Moon said:"It's a big step for mankind but some people think it only make a litter impact on our daily life .To what extent do you agree or disagree?2.Adver 这道雅思作文题怎么写.Some people think that in the modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other,while others say that individuals are becoming more independent of each other.Discuss both views and give your own opini 谁有小学五年级音乐上册《绿色的歌谣》的电子歌谱, 小学五年级下册音乐第六单元第二课歌的歌谱和名字是艺术书,今年的,苏教版的 谁有“小石潭记”的练习题与答案 有理数的4道计算题. 人教版初二上册语文配套《小石潭记》一至四 题原题及答案 对于一切实数x,二次函数y=ax^2+bx+c值恒大于零,则△是什么(>0 / <0) a是什么(>0 /<O)