
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 03:12:47
Do you have any rulers?N__,i don't I have a new stamp and a__ eniuelope Im goying to send it t__ mfriend接上面的 i boaght a c__ of ice cream yesteday.O__ course I can find cook ies 写出答案就行 按顺序复制再填答案也可以. 一道大一计算机题目 下列最小数 11011001(B) 75(D) 37(o) 2A(H)是哪个 bdoh代表什么 she didn't think it was strange,_____?A.did she B.was it C.wasn't it D.didn't she everybody thought it strange fora shy man to (have done) so many exciting things.请问括号里换成do可以吗? Who do you think was generally considered ( )the lamps?A inventing B to invent C to have inventWho do you think was generally considered ( )the lamps?A inventing B to inventC to have invented Dhaving invented 为什么选C啊 以 如果说什么,只要什么,它可以变得什么 造句 青春的仿句青春,是一轮喷薄而出的朝阳,瑰丽的光芒映照着我们灿烂的面庞.(两句) 已知三直线a,b,c互相平行,且分别与直线l交于A,B,C三点.求证:四条直线a,b,c,l必共面.要求用高中定理 仿句青春青春 ,青春 . 仿句,关于青春的根据你对青春的理解,仿照下列句子写一段话 十八岁使我想起初长彩羽、引吭试啼的小公鸡,使我想起翅膀甫健、开始翱翔于天空的幼鹰,整个世界填满不了十八岁男孩子的雄 已知三直线a,b,c互相平行,且分别与直线l相交与A,B,C三点.求证:四条直线a,b,c,l必共面. 以青春开头的排比句 flying without flying without wings. My father often ___ ___up in his car when he comeshome in the afternoon2A.Can you see my house?B.OK ,shall we make ____ on sunday morning? 用每当我 只要 我便能造句 用“每当……时,只要……便……”造句要正常一点的. 每当什么便什么造句 big,little,small,good,easy,red,fine,high的比较级和最高级素什么? 请问Cristian Castro除了和WESTLIFE合作过FLYING WITHOUT WINGS,还唱过哪些英文歌啊? 词组over( ) over这个词组,中间缺少什么单词, Four hundred dollars for just a pair of shoes? You ______ be joking!谢谢了,大神帮忙啊A. may B. can C. can’t D. must 现有细胞全能性理论下癌细胞能否克隆出人来?因为癌细胞似乎生存变异能力强于正常体细胞和生殖细胞,那么,用一个人的癌细胞,在现有理论下,是否有可能克隆出原人? 癌细胞中的克隆原细胞是什么? 不要太简单的,有100道就行! 某班今天缺席3个女同学,男、女人数同样多;如果再调走9个男同学,女同学人数是男同学的2倍.男、女同学原来各多少人 “Tell me the tales.That to me were so dear.Long ,long ago,Long,long ago”这是出自那首歌?据说这是出自某个爱尔兰民谣. 英语翻译别用翻译工具啊.还有The man picked up Martin and carried him to his car in the village. 修辞手法的详细解释,谁有啊!帮帮忙啊! 请给多给些关于小学三年级面积的应用题! 以over 结尾的短语有那些 we'll be only too glad to attend your party .we can get a baby sitter.provided that .为什么不能选:unless.这样翻译也顺呀?