
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 06:19:09
试构造一个函数f(x),x属于D,使得对一切x属于D有 |f(-x)= |f(x)|恒成立,且f(x)既不是奇函数也不是偶函数,则f(x)可以是____________(答案不唯一)f(x)= |x|-1 ,x>=-1时    f(x)= -x+1 , rights issue(also called secondary offerings)是什么形式的股票发放?an rights issue is an issue of new shares to exisiting shareholders in proportion to the number of shares already held by each shareholder再描述一下有点和缺点 以 "He worked on his game several hours a day."的意思 最难行的礼和最长的文章分别用一成语表示,望有识之人指点 以为女生问我的 1.At the age of seven,______.A.his father died B.he lost his fatherC.his dog followed him D.his 翻译半句话...still lost money on seven out of every eight books it published. at one point had lost six of every seven residents. Several hours pass without looking at clock. Autumn katydids live for several hours,there is no good end的意思中文 Mary,friend's,birthday,party,go,Friday,can't,to,her,on Musesat Olympus. “高倍光学显微镜”用英语怎么翻译?“高倍”应该怎么表达呢 可以说“high optical microscope"吗? 用什么词语赞美教师的工作 上有黄鹂深树鸣 全诗 上有黄鹂深树鸣打三个数字急 最驻心田的意思 上有黄鹂深树鸣在那首诗上 心田无私自光明是什么意思 滁州西涧 上有黄鹂深树鸣, 菠萝一年结果多少次,一棵树上长多少个 探索类地行星的意义如题 史弼字公谦选自那里 必修课和选修课的英语要翻译成绩单compulsory 和 elective太长了,有没有缩写啊?我想问的是单词有没有简写的...因为表格太小.写不下那么长 长春的春花是什么? 写一句夸张句10句夸张句,10句比喻句,10句反问句。 可可心田 意思 竖心田当头,亡下一个系是什么意思. transmitted light microscopy什么意思 i love courting 哪些春花在夜间开放 春花未到怒放时 怎么对后面一句?