
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 10:17:11
面带微笑是with a smile 那么为什么不是with the smile,名词前加a 和加the有什么区别?如题,能顺便讲一下smile的vt.和vi. At her birthday part,the little girl greeted every guest with a smile,dressed likes a little angel句中dress为什么用过去分词?小女孩与dress的关系不是主动的吗?为什么不用dressing?在她的生日会上,小女孩微笑着迎接 “雨果谴责英法联军劫掠并火烧圆明园”是病句么.怎么改? 初一几道英语阅读理解,求速解. 翻译I took the little boy by the hand. 初一英语阅读,高手来!15分钟内速答加悬赏20!在线等! 今天急用1.on a sunday morning, bob and Jack rode their bicycles to the countryside.ther enjoyed the fresh air, ang saw green mountain ang tall trees.when they arrived at a sceni Who's the little boy in the sweater?英语翻译 把the little boy can water the flowers翻译成中文 现在买盐几$? 去哪买盐啊 现在? 作文:我从_学到了语文 谁有?最好是从生活中,600字 急需啊、、 文言文《司马光小传》中司马光是个怎样的人 我像报纸学语文 作文 600字 急 求半命题作文:我在( ,600字左右, 现在大家都在买盐,买盐干什么呢? 为什么这个盐现在都难买啊? these english reference books are.These english reference books are quite popular among middle school students ,but_____ are not.A that onesB those onesC thoseD other ones为什么涅 0. 六年级日记通常要写多少字 急求 麻烦帮我做一篇英语阅读The world is known to us through many senses,not just hearing,smell,vision,and at close range,touch and taste.Our skins let us know whether the air is moist or dry,whether surfaces are wet without being sticky or slip 请帮我解一篇英语阅读 1.It is not helpful if you know the language and some of the customs of the country2. English people usually shake hands when they meet for the first time3. Usually English people don’t shake hands after they ha 一篇英语阅读. 怎样用英语当面跟老师请假 在线等 急!本人上次大学英语三视听说课因为要准备朗诵比赛没有去,也忘记跟他请假了(我没他电话)被老外点名点到了,据说老外很生气,所以我想这次课跟他解 英语阅读一篇, 远在外地的游子,多么想念自己家乡啊,真是,.(填成语)两个 煎鸡蛋的作文400字煎荷包蛋的作文400字 不想读书怎么办?怎么激励自己读书? 弟弟今年16岁,他说他不想念书了,我该怎么劝他呢?还是想让他读书, 书籍里混装着5本故事书和5本科技书,要保证一次一定能拿出2本故事书,至少要拿出多少本书?怎么算的 图书室故事书与科技书本数之比是5:2,科技书比故事书少150本,故事书与科技书各有多少本?计算过程要清楚,要用算数解 六年级教师节日记 要普通点儿的就急!