
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/06 07:35:10
她若涉世未深,就带看见世间繁华.她若饱经沧桑,就带她坐旋转木马.英语翻译 Jenny was w______ for her mother.横线前面的字母是单词带头的字母,单词要中文意思. 用Jenny和mother造个句子,要求是和打电话有关的 推荐一些音乐吧 适合边工作边听的 工作是翻译 很疲惫 很烦人 出自《五柳先生传》的成语是[ , ]谈谈对文中“不”字的理解.请注意成语是两个空,另外对“不”的 理解应结合文章! 五柳先生传中九个“不”字,有何意义 The mountain is green.(改成复数)There was a butterfly on the bench.(复数) mountain有复数吗?(当mountain意思是山的时候?)明天老师讲评后再来处理啦! Today we ______ two new _______.A.have,student B.has,students C.have,students students today two we new have 连词成句 如图已知在四边形ABCD中,∠DAB的角平分线和∠ABC的角平分线相交于点M 求证 ∠AMB=二分之一(∠C+∠D)如图已知在四边形ABCD中,∠DAB的角平分线和∠ABC的角平分线相交于点M求证 ∠AMB=二分之一( are,picture,who,in,they,this.连词成句. be stuck for的中文意思 Which lettre is an insect?A.T B.P C.S D.B 英语介词:by + 时间名词 by morning by sunset by tomorrow by friday例句是:i hope you can get this done by morning..这句子该如何理解 我理解成是到早上之“前 ABCD是长方形,F是DA延长线上一点,G是CF上一点,并且∠ACG=∠AGC,∠GAF=∠GFA,证明∠ECB=1/3∠ACB Which Ietter is an insect要这个的中文翻译和英文答案 一个没有期待的星期五.翻译成英语是什么?是 a no expectation's friday 鹬蚌相争感悟联系生活实际,400字,爱问知识人! 羌笛何须怨杨柳,( ) 说一则新闻,并说出从中感悟到的道理,举出身边的例子,说出新闻内容 修改病句 一条弯弯的小路 1.i will wait to friday. 2.i want to do something for change. 3.who did you give the book? 这三道题都是改错题,帮忙改一下错,最好能把语法讲清楚 等1路车,是wait for还是 wait at? 下面这些英文题目该选什么呢?When ___the road,she look round carefully.A cross B crossingC crossed D acrossThat book is really worth___A readingB to read C of being readD reads___when he felt a gentle touch on his elbow.A Hardly he had fal 下面的英文试题该选什么?She could hardly believe it,___?a.couldn't she.b could she.c didn't she.d can she All my friends commented on ___for him to have chosen such a color to decorate his house.a how was it strange.b how strange it was.c.h 滴水观音要施什么肥呢? 滴水观音施什么肥?最近刚刚换了盆和土,但是感觉情况不太好,想象也是一直没有施过肥的原因吧?所以大家告诉我施什么肥比较好呢, 滴水观音水养要施肥,要施什么肥谢谢, 奔向天空,本人初次养花,请教氮肥施肥方法 滴水观音要施什么肥?叶子发黄,蔫 滴水观音可以施氨基酸肥吗 羌笛何须怨杨柳,春风不度玉门关的修辞手法