
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/02 05:46:56
高适有哪些送人的诗? 数学符号sgn怎么读 如何做一名文明小公民的故事 18岁,从做文明公民开始.的作文 英语作文 怎样成为一名文明公民 做一位文明市民的作文咋写啊 各位帮助一下 护照上的英文名帮同学问个很“2 我同学名叫吴安琪,她如果办护照,上面的英文名是Angel·Wu还是Anqi·Wu 如何检测固定电阻器? 电阻一般要检查哪些项目? 有关怎样在渗透环保意识论文 初三英语首字母填空,附译文 求帮忙将中文姓名转换为台湾护照英文名我叫 陈睿凯希望转换为台湾普遍认同的英文名类似於 蒋介石 是Chiang Kai-shek马英九 是 Ma Ying-jeou我不清楚这是不是威妥玛式拼音.主要就是转换为台湾 初三英语首字母填空“Other countries have a climate:in England we have w_."English men often use such words to d_ the strange weather of their country.One may e_ four seasons in a single day in England .Day may start as a warm s_ morning :an 首字母填空White is the colour of s-----.速速速速 首字母填空 几道初三英语首字母填空,急求.【1】The Lantern Festival is celebrated with lantern s______ and it is the time when we can see the first full moon of the New Year.【2】If you have the right to choose,which place in the world would you s 作文:怎么样做好文明 一个英语单词,我用汉语读 是发克米 单词读法是发克米 我不知道那个单词的意思和拼写 按首字母填空Tom's father is very poor.He can't a____ his schooling.The heavy rain was the c____ of the flood.After the accident he sat by h____ without moving for a long time.I know you leg hurts,just be p____,and the doctor will come soon.It i 初三英语首字母填空 急……Tea is one of the most popular drinks around the world,s____ only to water. 求文明在我身边的作文,不是写自己,是写别人做文明事,不要弄混了 “文明在我身边”作文怎么写? 文明在我身边作文怎么写. 文明交通在身边作文告诉我素材和写法就可以了 要有新意. 英语:怎么区别这几种表示状态,情形的词?position ,situation ,state,condition用法意思上有什么区别啊? 七年级下册英语单词表TXT下载 一道初三英语题(首字母填空)Tony,we haven't been out for a long time .Let's go s____ this evening after supper. 第一句话是哥伦布发现了美洲,but he e------the continent.填什么单词,好烦. 几个初三英语首字母填空问题1.it's late night.i'm too s__ to watch the end of the show2.have a s___of this egg and tell me if it's bad3.the had a journey to the south pole.the temperature there was eight degrees b__ zero REACH_53项SVHC清单及含量限制是多少?我在网上找到的也是限量1000PPM(是极限量),我要的是更准确的,(比如说我这的资料是限制物质A类限量(PPM)1镉及其化合物<5PPM2铅及其化合物<100PPM3 急!我姓吕,汉语拼音是LV,不过护照里是写成LU的,那么我定国际航班的时候填LU可以么?据说要是填LV的话和护照不一致,比较麻烦,还得开啥证明的,也不知道证明去哪开,怎么开,索性就直接填LU了, 求律的拼音,是LU还是LV