
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 09:21:48
《XX的自述》作文(写能吃的.) xx的自述 作文最少400字,最多600字.我会加分的, It works just as well for Laura.翻译 另外这是什么结构啊? 噢噢噢偶偶偶 噢噢噢我喜欢你我喜欢你,这个歌叫什么名字 我噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢找动漫我记得有一个动漫第一集是这样的 一个男的在街边走路 忽然一个巨乳女从天上飞下来砸中了那男的 然后那女的被2个穿着SM服的女的追着打 然后,(忘了) 那 噢噢,这条题我不会……第四题 我们下周要休息两天.We —————— two days ———————— next week. 头像什么手象什么腿象口象牙齿象眼象造句 伯牙绝弦怎么造句 All my friends said that the film was worth() 1seAll my friends said that the film was worth()1see 2to see 3 to be seeing 4seeing选哪个,为什么 I have always had a passion for Thai food.true or fales have passion have passions 为什么不是have a passion without passion,people won`t have the motivation or the joy necessary for creastive thinking.在这里necessary是做定语嘛?可以改成定语从句,比如:without passion,people won`t have the motivation or the joy which is nessary for creative 1、 如图,若AB=4cm,CE=2cm,BC=3cm,则△ABC的面积S=()cm^2,AD=()cm图1111111 2、 找出图(1)和图(2)中的同位角,内错角,同旁内角(仅限于同数字表示)图98987645444 挺拨造句挺拨造句 拨打怎么造句 2、在新修的花园小区中,有一条“z”绿色长廊ABCD.如图22222,其中,AB‖CD,要在AB,BC,CD三段绿色长廊上各建一座小凉亭E,M,F,且BE=CF,M是BC的中点,试判断三座凉亭是否恰好在一条直线上? 黑色食物有哪些啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢 They are watching TV inthe room 的改为否定句 I like music very much 改同义句They often take photos in the park(用now来改写句子) - 噢噢 i got it Icarly第一季的视屏啊啊啊啊啊!如果是mp4(iphone)格式我会加分的! i see what you mean1.“what you mean”而不是“what is you mean”2.“you mean”而不是“your mean” 《不食嗟来之食》是否赞同饿者做法?简要说明理由 曾子如何看待饿者不食嗟来之食这一行为的? 《嗟来之食》一文中饿者为什么宁死也不食嗟来之食原文:齐大饥,黔敖 为食於路,以待饿者而食之。有饿者蒙袂辑屦,贸贸然来。默敖 左奉食,右执饮,曰:‘嗟!来食。’扬其目而视 Hainan is a good place for old people _ (live) in winter. 举例说明“反思”的近反义词是什么? 带有近、反义词的成语有哪些?请多举些例子 Nobody can go back and start a new beginnng,but anyone can start now and make a new ending.这句话啥意思啊 nobady can go back and start a new beging but anyone can start now and make a new ending this terrible friend movie my was said .连词成句