
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 06:27:30
MY,RULER,IS,THAT连词成句.my,ruler,is,that连词成句,还有I have_IDcard.Aa Bthe Can,What's this?_is a key AThat BThis CIt选择 狮子王与豺告诉我们什么道理 四级没有涂AB类型,试卷要0分吗?前些天考四级的时候,我朋友忘记涂AB类型了,请问最后是怎么处理她的试卷呢?是0分还是随机的给一个分数?急哦.谢谢你们叻o(∩_∩)o... 英语四级AB卷涂错了怎么办我本来是A卷涂成B了 不是没有涂还是零分啊 英语翻译我要六七年级中的翻译.最好准确一点,快,我马上要用! 狮子王与豺 走近文言文阅读答案 As a businessman,his father often makes i____phone calls to his partners in foreign countries.首字母填空 为什么英国统治下的殖民地,后来发展的比较好.英国殖民的美国,加拿大,澳大利亚,香港等后来都成为了发达地区.而西班牙,葡萄牙殖民的拉丁美洲却很落后. I read the book yesterday改为一般疑问句I can't stand soap operas对划线部分提问( )( )( )( )soap poeras?the pay phone is in front of the library同义句he speakes (English).对划线部分提问there are some apple th 英语作业!我有些不会!你可以给我讲述一下吗? 《狮子王与豺》的寓意 中国,中山市用英文怎么翻译 cycle的现在分词 my mother calls her mother and i call hermy mother calls her mother and I call her ____ I call my father's sister ( ).(根据句意填入适当的单词) 这里的春天雨水很多 .英文怎么说 在纽约,春天雨水很多 这句话的英文 请问"tens of millions"是什么意思?具体用法是怎样的?这个短语是我在人教版高二上册英语书127页的阅读文章是看到的,但不能够理解,希望知道的人能帮我详细讲解一下,谢谢! 这句话哪里没用对:The kites are made from colorful papers. I will start to make the papers here in Argentina,我是做销售的,客人对我的产品感兴趣,想采购一些。 keep fit英语作文注意:不要灌水,要6句话一上,也不要太多,最好能给我翻译出来!一定不要跑题!给四个提示:to be health,what should we do?should we exercise every day?what should not we do?should we eat too much mea 1.There have any books on the desk0d0a2.there are any books on the desk上面两个句子,那一个对,请讲原因 What can you()on the chair?A.look B.look at C.see D.watch 在阅读杂志名著时要怎么做才可以有利于文学素养的提高和写作水平的提高? 提高阅读能力、文学素养的报纸和杂志阅读除了名著以外还要读一些报纸和杂志,像《读者》《青年文摘》,就《人民日报》还有没有登一些作家的文章?还是有其他比较好的报纸和杂志?希望知 The new couple have to find another flat as_don't want to live _with it.A、he;his B、she;her C、they;them D、they;their I have to want for another hour to meet my teacher.的同义句怎么改I have to want for another hour to meet my teacher. 停能组什么词 用‘勤’字组词 一直做或不停的做 is always后面接动词什么形式? What's the ( )of that hill?刮号里填high的什么形式后句是 It seems difficult for us climb up to the top of the hill. 如何欣赏gone with the wind《飘》