
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 22:00:32
作文~给印象深刻的人,要总分总的!3Q.姐姐哥哥帮帮忙!不做完的话.还有,不仅总分总,还要首尾呼应!(老师要求就是多,嘻嘻)恩,是《熟悉的一个人》 做一件事有意思没意义怎么办? 怎样记忆四字词语拜托各位了 3Q The writer writes the passage to ____.以下选择A,introduce placesB,show hobbiesC,introduc seasonsD,show activities According to the passage,why was the writer gratful to this salesman? 用英语表达中美的文化区别有关中美文化的区别的英语文章150字左右 品析语句:1、造化钟神秀,阴阳割昏晓.2、国破山河在,城春草木深.两题一起答! 你知道人生最有意义的事是什么, 有个品牌的衣服用上了小学英语课本的人物,是什么牌子? 岱宗夫如何,齐鲁青未了.造化钟神秀,阴阳割昏晓 .写的什么山 请你从语言或内容两个角度,任选一个角度对诗句“造化钟神秀,阴阳割昏晓”进行品析. 我国为保护动物做了哪些措施 9、This problem is said ________ three times.A.to have been talked B.to have discussed C.having 公车上书写了《上皇帝书》是康有为还是梁启超 1985那年康有为、梁启超等人的上书为什么叫做“公车上书”? 我们应当采取什么措施保护动物的生存环境? 中国文学史上的四大吝啬鬼是谁?出自哪些作品?作者是谁?不是世界文学史的四大吝啬鬼、是中国文学史上的.这个我先问了、是7班的同学一定用得到. 五年级上册科学问题;我们应当采取哪些措施保护动物的生存环境? He is said to have been working in that factory for twelve years.这里动词不定式是作状语吗? he said that someone had been poisoning his foodhe said that someone had been poisoning his food. 为什么poison要用poisoning这个形式? Did lingling seng an email to He has been here for a long time 他是这里的老臣子 他在这里很久了.他在这里呆了很久了 都可以吗. The write is good at ________(write) stories for kids an,I,email,have,got.怎么连成句我写错那题的答案了~ I don not know.He ___ around here for a long time.a/ has not seen b/ has not been seen 原因What happened to the postman? 求【其实你早已放弃了爱情 只是我还未曾放弃你 】的英语怎么写 what do you usually do when___________ A:you free B:are you free C:you'll be free D;you're free请给出理由 when后面怎么加语句 He stands here waiting for the busHe stands here to wait for the bus,请问这两种说法哪个正确? He stands there (waiting) for the bus.这里用V-ing为什么? —i wonder why Bill isn't here.---he ——-be still waiting for a bus.这里填can还是could.为什么答案为could? 书本和水相比哪个的密度大?.. who is the writer of this passage什么意思