来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 14:52:34
某工厂有两堆煤,第一堆煤有12吨,第二堆煤比第一堆多6分之1,第一堆煤烧了18天,正好烧完.照这样计算,第二堆煤可比第一堆煤多烧几天? 2.3.4. 第一题选择题1~5题答案.回者秒采纳 回答就一定采纳.1到5 选择题1至5 选择题1,2,3,4 选择题1.2.3.4求答案. 大哥大姐,这个怎么算(-2/3)^2008×(1.5)^2009÷(-1)^2011.全一些啊……还有呢?(-2/3)^100×(1又二分之一)^100×(-1/8)^2009×8^2010 谢啦…… 用计算器计算9+10+11+12=?要按11次键,那么计算:1+2+3+4+.+98=?一共要按多少次? 用计算器计算:Cos(317度31分32秒)怎么按计算机上的键?我用的计算器:列子:26度45分36秒+125度30分18秒:输入26.4536后按 DEG键 ,接着按+,在输入125.3018再按=得152.265再按2ndf+DEG 得结果152.1554(152度1 用计算器计算9+10+11+12=?要按11次键,那么计算:1+2+3+4+.+99=?一共要按()次 利用计算器计算-8÷7/3,其按键顺序应为 三、计算机选择题A.FTP站点B.FTP站点的一个文件夹C.FTP站点的一个文件D.地址表示错误满分:5 分2.发现计算机感染病毒后,以下可用来清除病毒的操作是().A.使用杀毒软件清除病毒B.扫描磁盘C.整 1.向量筒中注入水,俯视读书为amL,倒出一部分水以后,仰视读数为bmL,则倒出来的水的体积为( )A.(a-b)mL B.小于(a-b)mL C.大于(a-b)mL D.不能确定2.下列物质中,属于纯净物的是( )A.可乐 B.大理石 C.氧 1.某烃的分子式是CxHy(x 1.下列关于爆炸的说法,正确的是A.可燃性气体与空气混合遇火,在密闭容器中点燃一定发生爆炸B.爆炸一定是化学变化引起的C.在有限空间里的急速燃烧,可能引起爆炸D.爆炸中一定发生了压力的 It_____ in the newspaper that pollution is still a serious problem.A.is said B.said C.says 一个长方体长,宽,高恰好是3个连续的自然数,并且它的体积的数值等于它的所有棱长之和数值的2倍,那么这个长方体的表面积是( )(为什么?)A,74 B,148 C,150 D,154b^3-b=24b什么意思? 2010 年上海世博会山东馆以“齐鲁青未了”作为展示主题.“齐鲁”能代表山东,起源于中国古代哪一制度( )A.分封制B.世袭制 C.郡县制 D.行省制 The simple truth appears to be that ______ foods are the key to excellent health.a.complete b.whole c.entire d.all 为什么选择这个答案1.All the people around the world have the same simple dream ( ) they will always live in peace and comfort A.that B.which c,where when 知道选择A.但是想知道原因和句子翻译2.It would have made a ________ if yo 1.I _______ Tom has made a mistake.A.am thinking B.shall think C.think D.have been thinking2.I _______ writing the article now.A.finish B.is finishing C.finished D.have finished 几道英语选择题,请写出为什么选这个答案1.Does the TV say____happened in Iraq every day A.someting terrible B.anyting terrible 2.Unless he ______to help us,we shall lose the game.A.promises B will promiseC.would promise D had promise3. 1.It's a little hot in the room.Will you please keep the windows ___?A.open B.opened C.opening [why选A不选C]2.—I had a relly wonderful time in Beijing.It's one of the most beautiful cities in China.—________.[why 选D不选A]A.It's a pleasure 1.Heading home after _____ day's work,he never knew ahead of ____ time whether he would catch the bus.A.不填;the B.a ;不填 C.不填;不填 D.the;the2.she_____ Japamese when she was in Japan when she was in Janpan.now she can speak it free ____more and more forests destroyed,some animals are in danger of dying out.A.With B.By C.As D.For 2.No one knows for sure when such a custom first ___A.came into power B.came into being C.came true D.came out 关于高一英语1到4单元的选择题 21-26英语选择题,请告诉我为什么选择这些答案,依据. 在一个密闭容器里有一氧化碳、氢气、氧气共16.5g,用电火花引燃,完全燃烧,再将燃烧后的气体用过氧化钠充分吸收,过氧化钠增重7.5g,则原混合气体中氧气的质量分数是( )A、36% B、40% C、54.5%