
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 19:31:27
求读书笔记,越多越好(有要求)2、主要内容3、好词4、佳句5、读书心得 求读书笔记,越多越好!格式:书名:主要内容:我喜欢谁,为什么喜欢:好词好句:品读感悟: 一个弹性小球质量为m,从高h处由静止开始下落,如果在运动过程中小球所受的空气阻力大小恒定小球与地面碰撞后反弹时能量没有损失,小球每次向上弹起的高度总等于它下落时高度的4/5,则小 英语翻译I don't even know that her name was Maggie.But she was a woman who is older than me and my life have changed,and it was my first sex paterner,way back in the early 60s,that was a jazz festival and she took me into a tent,took advantage of my friend is ten years old改特殊疑问句 《等一分钟》是谁写的词呀没了 人类平均一分钟写多少字?时间只计算写字时间而不是一生 求语文>读书笔记2篇格式作品:作者:主要内容:中心思想(或感悟):*感悟和中心思想都要! 求两篇语文读书笔记RT.400到500字 辞海两个字是谁写的?"辞海"这两个字听说是从哪个石碑上拓下来的! 谁有辞海?帮我查一下“思”与“想”这两个字他们的区别是否在于长远性? 用ABCDEFG造句要经典的 5谁有辞海?帮我查一下“思”与“想”这两个字 用ABCDEFG怎么造句 用ABCDEFG造句怎么造 ABCDEFG怎么造句 物体静止下落,有阻力,a=A-Bv.AB为常量.求速度和运动方程 你平时读哪几种报纸? 不一样的感觉 话题作文以“不一样的感觉”为话题,写一篇800字以上的作文(小弟我不行了,毫无头绪,谁来救救我……) 以感情为话题的话题作文copy也行话题作文话题是感情 关于“感情自然”的话题作文谁能教教我这篇作文怎么写?我不理解这个题目意思,该写什么题材.如果能给出范文就更好了! “祖国”一词的起源(如考证困难,提供辞海解释也可)请问“祖国”这个词的到底起源于何时 另外国家意识最早的记载是不食周粟的伯夷、叔齐然而在战国时期,却常常会出现甲地出身乙地任 请问我的雅思作文这篇可以评几分?Some children in rural places cannot have good schools and medical facilities.To improve this situation,some people suggest that new teachers and doctors should be sent to rural places for several years.O 写一段话向同学们推荐你最喜欢的一种报纸要怎么写 这篇雅思作文可以得几分?请大家点评一下.Some people said the government shouldn’t put money on building theatres and sports stadiums; they should spend more money on medical and education. Agree or not agree? I think the government 求高手点评,能得几分啊?雅思作文People who move to a new country should accept the new culture as their own.To what extent do you agree or disagree?It is quite common that modern people go abroad to study,work or do business.What is meant 雅思作文给个分.Nowadays,people use computers to work at home instead of going to office.some think that it is beneficial to exmployees but not to employers.To what extent do you agree or disagree?Recently there is no denying fact that most of 怎样推介你喜爱的一种报纸? 这篇雅思作文得几分离7 还有多大差距?不足之处请指点 Question:Fast food is now universally available in most countries and is becoming increasingly popular.Some feel that this is a positive trend,while others do not.What are your 愚公移山还是搬家辩论正方 辩论赛 正方:愚公移山 反方:愚公搬家 我是反方二辩请给我提供一些问题 越多越好 《愚公移山》 “移山”还是“搬家”