
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/06 04:56:45
从长江边捉到的 小明每分62.8米的速度绕一个圆形游泳池游一周,恰好用了5分钟.这个游泳池的面积是多少平方米? You should eat --healthy-- food.(对划线部分提问)---- ---- ---- food should Ieat.healthy是划线部分 小明以每分钟62.8米的速度绕一个圆形游泳池游一圈,恰好用了5分钟.这个游泳池的面积是多少平方米? i think Kitty should eat __ fried food(little) 某人徒步旅行,去时每走40分钟休息5分钟,到达目的地共花去4小时46分;回来时,他的速度为去的5倍,所以每走60分钟休息10分钟,这样他走回原地要( )分钟 You are too fat.You should eat____ ____(little) 把多项式3x^2+bx+c分解因式为3(x-3)*(x+2)则b,c的值为? 直线xcosα+ysinα=r和x平方+y平方=r平方的位置关系是? We should eat little by little slowly to let our bodies digest the food and take in the nutrients. We should not eat too much sweet food.(划线提问) tom ------(not watch) tv on sunday 按照括号的正确形式填空 如果美国渔民在印尼海域扑鱼,印尼敢抓吗 Tom and Tim have promised ____ (watch)less television.用所给动词的适当形式填空 漏斗形蜘蛛在悉尼城市多吗 悉尼漏斗网蜘蛛可怕吗? 悉尼漏斗网蜘蛛的毒药为什么对哺乳动物没有用,而对人类起作用? their ways of life were different,but there was room for both意思 今天有一个女生给了我一个椰子糖,什么意思啊?RT There are three different ways to start your own business.Sole trader,Partnership,Franchise.我想问问这3种方式的中文是什么? There were mang _____ between us.(different) 组句子:1.different,the,is,city,quite,now 2.bribges,few,there,ago,were,a,50,years 黑寡妇蜘蛛有多毒 若直线xcosβ+ysinβ-1=0与圆(x-1)^2+(y-sinβ)^2=1/16相切,且β为锐角求这条直线的斜率 ‘‘黑寡妇’’是不是毒性最强的蜘蛛? In England there were two brothers.They had a very big clock like the one in the picture.One brother died and the other brother died.Then the clock stopped.Another man wrote a song about that clock.He called it a grandfather clock.Now everyone calls There were two little ducks,Quick and Quack.They were brothers and ther li 我听说悉尼漏斗蛛喜欢跑到人类的居室里来,我家里住的是平房,蜘蛛会不会爬到我的床上或者枕头底下,而且, 壁虎属于什么科类的动物 南国纯椰子粉跟其他牌子的椰子粉有些什么区别吗? where there any swings here before?yes,() no,() vegetables in the beef noodles?回答是 Yes,there arvegetables in the beef noodles?回答是 Yes,there are ——tomatoes.横线上填什么?