
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 03:29:17
A young man was walking through a wood when he saw a ring lying on the ground.He discovered that when he put the ring on his finger,he disappeared.when he took the ring off,you could see him.续写 The old man found ( )on the floor.A.lying dead 什么叫恩格尔系数? 恩格尔系数是什么? 请问,什么是恩格尔系数? 长方体的表面积比圆柱体的表面积大还是小相差什么长方形和圆柱形的体积相等 已知函数f(x)=x^-2ax+b是定义在区间[-2b,3b-1]上的偶函数,求函数的值域 函数f(x)=(a-1)x^2+2ax+3,x属于(-1,1)是偶函数,指出它的单调区间 恩格尔系数是什么意思? 恩格尔系数的定义 恩格尔系数的概念?有谁知道恩格尔系数的概念...我看别人写的都太复杂了..那些只是说明,我想要的是恩格尔系数的,名词概念 恩格尔系数的具体含义? 经济学中有恩格尔系数的概念, 翻译一下creation of the postition of press secretary 翻译 Secretary-General of the United Nations 英文解英文 怎么翻译the work of a secretary grows easy when a bottle of ink is replaced? I am secretary of the company.为什么不在am 后面加 a 1、如果加a是错误的吗?2、Everyone could do something for our environment.为什么要把could 改成can?3、if i am the last one (to) leave the room,i would remembei to turn off the 根据首字母填空 I have selected Mr Green to a_____ the position of the company secretary. f(x)=(m-1)x方+2mx+3 为偶函数.则f(x)在区间(-3,1)上的单调性 五下年级数学计算题 的具体内容同上 英语翻译I have been a friend of Bill Gates for a long time.I knew him when he was a student at Harvard University.We were surprised when he left University to set up his own company "Microsoft" and make his own software.But he was the clever one! 翻译charter party bill of lading A follower of Bill Gates怎么翻译翻译 帮忙答下小学数学题 不能用X做古代的印度民间流传着这样一道数学题:东站有马车16辆,西站有马车14辆每天从东站往西站的马车有6辆,从西站往东站的马车有8辆,第几天东站的马车数是西站 小学数学题,不能用X三.二班有50名同学到海边游玩,他们每人想吃1支冰淇淋甜筒,只需买多少只?《甜筒买5送一》请详细说明 圆周率可以用π或pi表示,pi与π有何区别? 高一数学题(要详细解题过程)已知二次函数f(x)=ax²+bx+c,若f(x)+f(x+1)=2x²-2x+13(1)求函数f(x)解析式(2)当x∈[t,5]时,求函数f(x)的最大值 求函数y=x^(m^2+m+1),(m属于N)的定义域、值域,并判断其单调性 I saw a man (lay on/lie on/lie in) the road yesterday. Yesterday afternoon on his way to school,he saw a day_____on the road A:lie B:lying C:liesD:to lie 球的体积为36π,则它的一个大圆的周长是