
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/07 03:09:57
第10题, 第十题 帮我翻一下这段英文The bearing shell generally has tags for location and oil grooves round the center of its axial length. Mr.Right...Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot,who calls you back when you hang up on him,who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat,or will stay awake just to watch you sleep...wait for the boy who kisses your forehead,w Further Mathematics will involve a timetable allocation of 4 ppw over two years.Further Maths isusually studied in addition to four other subjects.(One of which must be Mathematics) This reality could be observed by the visit to com-panies composing the foundry sector in gray iron in the city of Claudio,in Minas Gerais.This visit al-lowed a broad observation of work ing conditions found in companies,and the construction of a dia 同步学案的答案 Lastly,there are various heterodox theories that downplay or reject the explanations of the Keynesians and monetarists.For example,some new classical macroeconomists have argued that various labor market policies imposed at the start caused the lengt 李奶奶每天都到老人大学上课,课余又与这些同学一起锻炼身体,参加各种文娱活动,李奶奶所在的社会群体属于( )A、同龄群体 B、职业群体 C、民族群体 D、社会组织 你怎样看待漫画中老板的行为?这个月的税缴了吗?请审核!你少算了一笔.这样的老板真了不起! 中国籍货轮“德新海”轮在印度洋海域,被索马里海盗武装劫持,船上有25名中国船员.现在到底怎么样了? 据悉现有一艘印度尼西亚货轮被索马里海盗劫持,上有5名中国籍船员,是属于中国政府营救吗? 急,个人没多少财富...定义a*b=a²-b;则[(-1)*2]*(-3)=__?..请写题解^q^ word表格复制到excl表格后,word表格的长数字在excl下显示为16进制数字,如何解决?word表格复制到excl后,word表格中的长数字(18位及以上),在复制后的excl表格中显示为16进制带字母的格式,点击该 我没财富,等有了必定汇报!注:(aa)是表示这两位数,(aa)12是表示aa这两位数的十二进制!1.在十二进制中,有两个两位数(aa)12,(bb)12.若(aa)²12+(bb)²12=(aabb)12,请问( 在EXCL表格中,如何把横的5块数字复制到竖的5列中去? 一次函数 正比例函数 会那个答那个 It's about 3,400 meters long.同义句转换,每空一词.It's about ____ long ____ 3,400 meters. How far is it?It's about 100 meters___.A.away B.long C.far请问这几个选项选哪一个.还有我们句子有It's 12 centmeters long. It's about 100 meters______his homeA far B away C from D far from 9.2mol/l的硫酸100ml,加水稀释成溶度为4.6mol/l,为加水的体积等于100,大于100,还是小于100? 部分游客到西藏后出现了呼吸局促等缺氧情况,可能的原因是().纬度增高 海拔升高 知之者不如好知者,好知者不如乐知者这句话的意思? 孔子说:知之者不如好知者,好知者不如乐知者.怎样理解,请详细说明, 送东阳马生序、孔子家语下列加点词语含义相同的是哪一组( ) 知之者不如好之者,好知者不如乐知者.青少年时期的作者所思所行仅在于这种好与乐中,选文部分写了他好学乐学的种种情形, 谁知道“知之者不如好知者,好知者不如乐知者”这句话的意思!急用!“知之者不如好知者,好知者不如乐知者”这句话的意思!急用! How tall are you about meters?哪一个单词用错了并改正过来 Adult girffes are about (6 meters) tall.(根据括号提问) Adult giraffe are (about 6 meters)tall.(打括号部分提问) 1.-How ___ is the horse? -It's about 1.5 meters tall and weighs 75 kilos.A. tall B. long C. heavy D. big请分析一下,说明理由,谢谢!急. Women are usually about 1.6 meters() 后面用tall 还是 in height还是其他什么形容身高的,都有什么区别 621四级听力23个听写2个选词4个快速3个仔细阅读9个完形6个翻译4个作文一般 大概多少分 要准确的