
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/24 04:49:36
有那个字可以分别和:“木;月;云;又”组成另一个字;同样: 请翻译一下Which,Monkey,Do,You,Like, 一日一火是什么字大神们帮帮忙 因.这个词组翻译英语咋说 5、(69-3)判断直线BD与圆O的位置关系,并证明你的结论.如图,在直角三角形ABC中,∠C=90度,点O在AB上,以O为圆心,OA长为半径的圆与AC、AB分别交于点D、E,且∠CBD=∠A.判断直线BD与圆O的位置关系,并 this is my favourite friend her ;name is kate同义句什么 当我走出校门时 用英语怎么说? 英语音标软件音标不会读不标准介绍个发音软件要详细的带嘴型的那种 英汉互译 谁先采用谁的 用英语翻译:援助使脱离危难 英语翻译你付出的越多,你得到的就越多The ( ) you give,the ( )you ( ) ( ). 已知直线过点(2,3),(-1,0),圆的方程为x^2+y^2-2x-2y-2=0 (1)判断直线与圆的位置关系(2)若相交,求相交的弦长 英语翻译尺寸都是根据合同来的,如果每个客户要求的都不一样,我们就得每次重新刻板,重新印刷包装,所以我们目前还没有更换包装的想法. 英语翻译I've been struck,living in Silicon Valley and spending time in other high-tech regions,by how each region can be studied with respect to the quality and variety of its knowledge producers and knowledge consumers. 英语翻译For the truth is that unless we can forgive,we can never recover.Our wounds will continue to grow worse and never heal.As the ancient Chinese proverb puts it,"Whoever seeks revenge should dig two graves.' This is ( )brother.( )name is tom 请帮我翻译一下以下一段英文,谢谢啊Dear Sir, Thirty years ago, I walked into your bakery and asked for someloaves(条;块)of bread to sell. At the time I was twelve years old. A young lady was working that day. She gave me five loaves 感激不尽!我是自学,学了大概半个月了,有人说坚持每天写英语日记可以提高写作水平,所以我也学着写了写……也许狗屁不通……但是请大家千万别笑话……July 13th,2010Country roads,Take me homeToday 英语翻译Please proceed with the replacement and be inform that the warranty period will still expire on 02nd November 2013.Any defect reported after 02nd Nov 2013 will be chargeable. 有哪些宋代著名词作家 请大家帮忙改一篇英语日记,谢谢!O(∩_∩)O~Act Now, Never DelayProcrastination always spoil my holidays. Since the holidays beginning until now. I haven't hit my book a little. I didn't like as I said in New Year's resolution to get up 英语翻译“只要努力,穷矮挫终会逆袭成高富帅!”最好把每个关键词所对应的英文写下、有追加是别人问我的擦 中华文明的发源地在哪个省如题,最好能详细说明是哪个文明河南人老说中华文明的发源地是河南 是真的吗? 宋代的作者和著名的词 介绍古代有名的诗词作家除了李白、杜甫、苏轼、白居易、辛弃疾、李煜、纳兰性德、李清照、柳永、李商隐这几个非常著名的,请写出几个你认为比较好的作家,并写出他们的著作.如:李清 中华文明的两大发源地是什么 九大行星英文 English日记.达人修改today is a festival in case i got up very early.the foods was very rich and delicious,all my family moved in together to celebrate the festival.now.i was so tired.because i used to got up at 11 o'clock.i'm looking for beauti 求著名经典的宋词老师说暑假作业要背20首宋词,希望大家能够提供一些经典的著名的宋词,最好都是妇孺皆知的,什么《水调歌头》,《虞美人》,《蝶恋花》,数目不多,20即可,更多当然更好.我不 说几首~或者十几首比较出名的诗词~要有质量啊~问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流这句是什么意思啊?刘永有哪几首比较出名啊~ 给我一些非常出名的唐诗宋词20来首就好.小学初中时没好好背书= =要那些被人用得很广的.例如天下父母都在说那个“少壮不努力老大徒伤悲”最好是写人不是写景的.用景来表达人的话也行 如此懦弱的我歌词