
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/11 02:55:11
volume and circulation?English language publications in China are growing in volume and circulation.请问这里volume and circulation分别作什么讲?整句话的翻译呢? 锐角△ABC中,∠B=60°,AC=根号3,则△ABC的周长的取值范围是 did you see him__down the old lady?___Yes.The ldid you see him__down the old lady?___Yes.The lady was just in front of the door hurring to another bus when the young man got off .A knock B knocked C to knock D to be knocked is it important to let your manager know your ideas about work? your ideas or beliefs about a particular subject什么意思? ? ? o-------your ideas or beliefs about a particular subject帮帮我首字母填空 lie的翻译英译英 seraphim是什么意思 就算是Believe中间还是有个lie 英译RT The cats____(lie)there is Mr.Sun's 怎么样加入seraphim家族? 一位会计在算账时点错了小数点,结果发现错误得数比正确得数多出10元3角5分.正确得数是多少?最好有算式和解题思路. 一般算账用小数点后几位最准确用圆周率的后几位 会计记账时小数点怎么点?就是比如说2645630这是贰佰多万的数,看他们点的不是个两位就是三位,不明白到底是怎么个规律? 已知数列lga,lgb,lgc与lga-lg2b,lg2b-lg3c,lg3c-lga都是等差数列.求证:b+c-a/a,a+c-b/b,2a+b-c/a也是等差 Little ------- about what he is doingA.do we know B.we do know C.did we know D.we know there are some( )desks in the classroom A:nice long newBnice new longClong new niceDlong nice new. 朱自清的《春》中有什么好词好句?用点评的方式说明为什么 填空,要求写出Oh,he's Nick.的同义句.Oh,(the)( boy) is Nick.这么填可以吗?我那么填是错的吗? l wii go to see the dentist.哪里错了 I will go to the dentist's to get my teeth _____ tomorrow.(exam) "五子联科"是什么意思? 求一篇小学一二年级的日记. 一百字左右、 内容大概是 我和妈妈下五子棋 I had noodies and chicken for lunch.的问句是什么 Mother is ill,I____she 'll get better.中填什么 虽然积分少了点A.think B.hope C.ask D.wish并说出整句意思 Liberation什么意思 solvent liberation是什么意思 Liberation 证明同底上两个直角相等的梯形是等腰梯形,要用3种方法证明 ,要有已知 求证 明朝时江南“四大才子”之一的唐伯虎画了一幅百花争艳图,吸引两只蝴蝶飞来,还是不是的落在花上.是什么明朝时江南“四大才子”之一的唐伯虎画了一幅百花争艳图,吸引两只蝴蝶飞来,还 花是什么意思啊! 英语语法纠正这句话语法对吗?His dance is really good