
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/06 12:01:39
已知:如图,把一张矩形纸片沿对角线折叠,重合部分是什么图形?试说明理由.急 ,是等腰的,只要理由 如果实数xy满足x+2y>0 x-2y 一道初一数学题(关于全等三角形)△ABC的两条高AD,BF相交于H,且AD=BD,试说明下列结论成立的理由1、∠DBH=∠DAC 2、△BDH全等于△ADC(因为没有图,所以做一下说明,点A在最上面,点B在左边,点C在 全等三角形如图,AD是△ABC的高,AD=BD.DE=DC,∠ABE=15°,则∠C=多少度 描写祖国风光的古诗有那些? In our daily life,we often cross across accasion------wehave to tell white lies to avoid hurting others.-----中为什么只能填where,that不可以吗?这种题目一直不太清楚,是哪方面知识点混淆? More and more attention ________ to wildlife protection in recent years but still more needs to be done.A.has paid B.will have been paid C.is being paid D.has been paid我选C,错了,我想知道为什么不能理解成“动物保护工作现在正 关于全等三角形请把答案写的清楚些 好能解点不要复制网页里的答案啊 一道高中英语选择题求解______(face) with so many difficulties,the man had to give up his plan. 建筑图纸中基础图是什么意思?其它的还有什么图? 王刚今年11岁.爸爸今年43岁.几年后爸爸的年龄是王刚的3倍? 1.the young lady went into the office and after -----seemed half an hour she came out.A.it B.what C.that D.which2.The reason ----he changed his mind is -----he would not like to get into troubie.A.for what;that B.why;that Cfor which;because D./;thatr ___encouraged me most at the time was the comments of the teachers and my friends.A.who B.what C.which D.that这道题选什么呢?怎么分析呢?能不能再举几个类似的例子?为什么不选C呢 请从语法角度分析一下下面的几个题,尽量说的详细一点.1.The British Governor arrived in Australia on January 26,today___as Australia Day.A.is known B.to be known C.know D.being known2.___would be many years until Australia recogni 几道高中英语选择题.求解I sight of an empty seat at the back of the bus and went directly there. A. lost B caught C. looked D. took 3. His report was so exciting that it was interrupted by applause( 1.____five minutes ____before the last bus left ,we arrived at the station.A.There were ; to goB.With ; to goC.It was ; leftD.It had;left这题为什么不选C?2.Xiasha Development Zone of Hangzhou is no longer the rural area ____it used to be.A.wher 神舟七号有哪些最新鲜的事? 介绍神舟七号 神舟七号什么 一个口袋里有50个编上号码相同的小球,其中编号为1、2、3、4、5的小球各有10个,一次至少要取出多少个小球,才能保证其中至少有4个号码相同的小球? 一个口袋中有50个编有号码的大小相同的小球,其中编号为1,2,3,4,5的各有10个.问:1.至少取出多少个,才能保证其中至少有两对号码相同的小球? 1 When_______,the museum will be open to the public next year.A.completed B.completing C.being completed D.to be completed2 _______in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of him.A.Losing B.Having lost C.Lost D.To lose3 -You look very tired.___ 1.The car____the truck so closely,otherwise the traffic accident could have been avoid.(我选的是A,但正确答案是B)A,shouldn't follow.B.was following.C,has been following,D.mustn't follow.2.--I heard you almost missed the train.---Yes,I got 几道 ..1.Who should be responsible for the accident?The boss,not the workers.They just carried out the order_______.A.as told B.as the told C.as telling D.as they told2.He finds his daughter is quite different from _________ she was five years ago 1.Such people ____ you talked about are often seen.A.who B.as C.whom D.that 2.Which is ____,the new one or the old one?A.better B.the better C.best D.the best 3.---- What did you think of the book?---- Oh,Excellent.It's worth ____ a second time.A.to 描写祖国风光的诗有哪些? 一个口袋装有编号分别为1、2、3、4、5的6个球,从中任取3个球,求基本事件是多少请把基本事件都列出来, 几道高中英语选择题不但要答案还要每题详细讲解1: Nowadays boys _______ girls as a teacher.A: are favored thanB: are favored toC: are favored overD: are preferred over2:On the whole, we ________ cars ______ Japan.A: import/intoB: 袋中有编号为1、2、3、4的4个大小相同的小球,从袋中分二次取2个,第一次取一个后不放回再第二次取1个球.(1)写出这个试验的样本空间(2)计算取出1号球和2号球的概率 1.---Were all the people in the car injured?---No,_____only 2 people who got hurt.A.there was B.it wasit是什么?如果A选项改成there were 2.It is reported that some wild animals wew found ____dead in a big cave in the mountain.A.hiding B.hidden 美国次贷危机体现的高中经济常识,哲学常识,非常急,一定要高中的 高中政治常识重点就是每一节的重点不对,是每一课的重点