
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 02:23:07
We have a nice classroom.对a nice classroom提问 杂化轨道类型如何判断 抛物线经过(-1,0)(3,0)(1,-5)三点 抛物线过(-1.0),(3.0)(1.-5)三点 求经过A(-1,0),B(3,0),C(1,-5)三点的抛物线的解析式求详细过程~~ 读《西游记》,你从唐僧师徒取经的经历中获得怎样的启示越快越好 蓝精灵村庄任务:this is a room that has no floor,no walls,no windows,and no door,what is it? 蓝精灵村庄任务:this is a room that has no floor,no walls,no windows,and no door,what is it?要怎么完成啊? 西游记中金蝉脱壳的故事 关于Anglican Church的问题!求英文!Write 2 paragraphs (3 for Honors) summarizing the beliefs of the Anglican Church.What are their core beliefs?What kind of church government do they have?What are their similarities to your church?What are thei the church of england是什么意思 The Reason of Church Government这部作品汉译名是什么,作者是谁 哪种表达方式正确 a.The windows in my classroom are clean. B.The windows of my classroom are clean 3、colour,windows,the,your,what,classroom,of,are 悍马H1和H2哪个个头大? who wrote the letter to you?改被动 who was the letter___ to you ____? I wrote him a letter to show my ___ of his thoughtfulness.I wrote him a letter to show my ___ of his thoughtfulness.A:achievement B:agreement C:attention D:appreciation为什么?整句怎么翻译? 应用题:3个棱长都是30厘米的正方体堆在墙角处,露在外面的面积是多少?要有根据,算式,以及讲解 How is the church of England related to the Crown and linked with the state? what caused the conflict between Catholic church and protestant church in ancient England? what part do the monarch ,the Prime Minister and the Lord Spiritual play in the church of England 求初二班日志最好是一篇通过一个小故事反映一个道理并结合生活实际的一篇文章! tana满足等式tan²a-4tana+4=0,求2sin²a+sinacosa+cos²a的值 化简:2sin²2α+根号3sin4α-(4tan2α/sin8α)*1-tan²2α/(1+tan²2 最后漏了,应该是(1+tan²2α)² 求名人传描写人物动作,语言的句子,不要外貌描写的,就要这两个描写的 描写人物动作.神态.语言.心理.外貌的句子 不要太长 急 一艘船在静水中航行速度是13千米/时,这船在水流速度是3千米/时的河水中顺水航行80千米,按原道返回要几时 一位同学从勾股数“3,4,5”中发现:4=【3的平方-1】/2,5=【3的平方+1】/2,由此,他发现最小数是奇数的勾股数的构造方法,请你写出一般规律的表达式【用含字母N的式子表示,N为正整数】 对不小于3的奇数,你能写出一组全是正整数的勾股数,有什么规律 对任意给出的不小于3的奇数,你能立即写出一组全是正整数的勾股数吗?有什么规律? in the eastern China还是in eastern China还是in the eastern of Chinatowards to the south 还是不加to in eastern China=in the east of China=in the eastern past of China?如题,好像是对的吧..