
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 18:54:21
___the trip to shanghai ,zhao it's wonderful!这个空应该怎么填? “经师易遇,人师难求”的出处请问出自古时的哪本典籍或文章呢? 音乐中1=A使什么意思 I have a bed ,a desk and a chair in my bedroom.改为同意句!一定要学习英语好的,其他不要\(^o^)/~ 经师易找,人师难寻,是什么意思? 谢谢 吉他C大调中那个以1音为主是什么意思?请问C大调以1do音为主是什么意思呀?难道是1音比较多还是其它什么意思呢?如果是以1音开头那谱中并不是每个小节都是1音呀,请前辈帮我举例说明一下 The traffic is light能不能解释为交通方便(通畅)考试中我写的是 The traffic is light.我不确定light 有关一件事得到的启示 (200字) 关于一件有趣的事的启发和收获 There are a desk and a book in my bedroom哪错了 There's a desk in my bedroom.同上a desk 下划横线 寻找一种食品添加剂是一种可以改变液体黏度的可食用的食品添加剂(还请告之其安全用量是多少),不知有那些,在成都哪里可以买到,如实再加积分. 想找一种食品添加剂,我现在求一种食品添加剂,要求如下:一,透明度好,二、可以象果冻一样包裹在水果外面三、不溶于水,可以放在果汁中.是不是只有熟淀粉就可以了13946083026谢过了我不是 名人小时候的故事长一点, 介绍一下食品添加剂? 有名人成长故事吗? 欧洲西部受什么风影响,海岸曲折,各地离海洋近,是海洋影响深入内部 A red traffic light means 'go'.有什么错?大哥大姐们, 欧洲西部著名的边缘海?欧洲西部著名的边缘海都有什么? flight是什么意思 I have a lovely bedroom.There is a bed in my bedroom.把短文译成汉语I have a lovely bedroom.There is a bed in my bedroom.There is a picture of my family above the bed.The ball is below the bed.There is a desk across from my bed.The yellow lamp flight的意思是什么? flight的意思 flight是什么词, On the t__ of my bedroom you can see my lovely cake.I am sure we can have lots of f__ today 其甲得鱼至多且易取中“至”什么意思 fried chicken wings usually taste____with honey a.wonderfully b.very well c.delicious d.salty I have a very big nd n__ bedroom.there is a bed,a deskand a chair in it.On the wall there is ac__and under the clock there are two m__.把这篇文章补全One is a map of c__and the o__ is a map of the world.I like pictures and there are many o__ on 英语: There is a football__ __(在.下面)he bed in my bedroom. 战胜自己和战胜他人那个更难?明者说下理由 flight