
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/16 03:07:10
s,a,a,i这些字母组成单词 在平行四边形ABCD中,BD垂直AB,AC和BD相交于点O,且BD=6,AD=10.你能求出哪些线段的长呢?请你写出来 由b b s f w h a这几个字母组成的单词,用这7个字母组成一个单词,一个都不能少.组成单词越多,我追加越多. 关于汽车Guaranteed Trade这个词组时什么意思? guaranteed independence与 granted independence 区别? no logging console guaranteed Everybody Needs A Best Friend属于哪类音乐 求一首英文歌,男的唱的,有一句歌词是everybody needs a lie.这首歌感觉挺嗨的 Everybody Needs A Best Friend 歌词 我最敬佩的清洁工450字 everybody needs a dream catcher 什么歌 road-testing是什么意思 啥意思 testing team 请问standby tap your forevver at your 请问周易里面的地和山,水和泽有什么区别? 谁能用s、z、y组一个英文句子,类似A boy can do everything for girl三个字母连起来的。 求周易中有关风泽中孚卦的内容 我爱着的那个女孩 这句话用英文怎么说? 易经中的泽是指沼泽还是什么谢谢拜托了各位 GMAT GWD SC一道,______________________refused to carry even a pound of mail,despite being offered $1000 to do so.a.Charles Lindbergh,for his attempt at a solo transatlantic flight,was very reluctant to have any extra weight on his plane,he therefor 写出反义词:【偶然】【幸福】 选择填空()1.He asked()for the computer.()1.He asked()for the computer.A.How much I paid B.I paid how much much did I pay ()2.----He said ,“Mother ,the boy is very naughty .”---- Pardon --- He ()very naughtyA,spok 谴责和偶然的反义词是什么 偶然的反义词是什么,大姐们帮帮我.还有保存,凋零,爱惜,稀罕.都是反义词 the computer .初中英语题The computer (can use ) in the roomThe computer------ (can use ) in the room 填空,thanks!速度!!! If you are the air in my life , I prefer not to breathe什么意思 哪些名人本来是不如意的,后来找到合适自己的事业,就成功了.要具体事例. 我国夏季极端最低气温出现在?A黑龙江北部 B青藏高原 C新疆北部 D内蒙古东北部 Charles Lindbergh,for his attempt at a solo transatlantic flight,was very reluctant to have any extra weight on his plane,he therefore refused to carry even a pound of mail,despite being offered $1,000 to do so.A.Charles Lindbergh,for his attempt at Q36:What is the sum of a certain pair of consecutive odd integers?(1) At least one of the integers is negative.(2) At least one of the integers is positive.我觉得是E,答案给的C.