
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/06 01:45:20
照看他们用英语怎么说?谢谢` _terrible weather we`ve been having these days!What 做阅读时,如何确定文章里的主人公.【急】 An English question,please help me,hurry upWhat difference are "where are you from?what nationality are you?and where do you come from.thank you 【!Hurry up,please!】政党帽、粉刷匠的帽子、小丑帽、学士帽的英文怎么说谢谢 修改病句:从上述有目共睹的事实中,证明他们的所作所为是无可指责的. 修改病句,今天大家统一着装,崭新的白色制服再戴上红色的工作帽和黑色的领带 步步高英语复读机可以吗?我想买,这里只有步步高和小霸王? 想巩固英语日常口语 有没有合适的听力或视频下载?在哪里? remind sb of 与reminf sb about有什么区别啊 一种复读机原来每台售价292元,现在每台售价降低四分之一,现在每台复读机售价是多少元,快回答回答快的话先到先得好评 英语日常口语 "remind sb about 英语翻译哪人教版 一种复读机原来每台售价292元,现在每台售价降低4分之1,现在每台复读机售价是多少元? 求一篇借物抒情的文章(不要转载) 步步高复读机与益学宝复读机有什么区别 求英文演讲视频比较经典的英文演讲视频,带中文字幕的! 关于英语视频.演讲之类的各位江湖大侠,能不能推荐些英语视频,比如说演讲之类的,要地道的英语,不要中国人讲的英语,最好能带字幕的, 阅读短文,根据短文大意即上下文和首字母提示填词My name is Kevin.Today is my b____.Dad and mum b____ me a big cake.I'm twelve now.I like cakes.On the t____ of my bedroom you c____ see my lovely cake.You can also f____ my name on it 阅读下面短文,根据短文大意及上下文提示填词Rose and Susan are classmates.Today Rose wants to speak ____Susan,but Susan isn't in. Her mother answers the____,and she asks Susan to call Rose___this evening.Rose and Susan want to the Ch 有没有1到2分钟的英语演讲视频要有演讲稿! 复读机帝尔,益学宝哪个好 阅读短文,根据短文大意及上下文和首字母提示填词.Swimming is very popular in summer .people like s___ in summer because water them feel cool.If you swim in awrong place,it may not be s____ .Some people die when they are swimming in 英语六级考了419.会不会过啊……好烦躁啊 记叙文 小说 如何答题 09.6英语六级考啦419, 六年级小升初的数学题目难吗 我现在上大学,但是我英语水平都赶不上初中生,怎样可以快速提高英语啊?急救,马上要过4级了我真的想把英语补起来,希望你们帮帮忙, 复读机步步高和小霸王那个好? it's (ten minutes' walk) from here to my school.括号内提问并写理由 It ______ ten minutes to walk to the library from here.It ______Danny twoIt ______ ten minutes to walk to the library from here.It ______Danny two months to learn to fly a kite.Danny ______ an apple from the kitchen We must ________the classroom clea