
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/02 08:09:00
一道数学题, 求解此数学题,学霸们帮帮忙 1、某商品按每个5元的利润卖出11个的钱,与按每个11元的利润卖出10个钱一样多,这种商品的成本价是多少元?2、商店进了一批彩色笔用零售价10元卖出20枝与零售价12元卖出15支的利润相同.这批 看拼音填空 2014年考研,一般英语一大小作文加起来可以得多少分.(我是背模板的那种) 2014年考研英语客观题30分,翻译中等,大小作文中等偏上.请问能考50分吗? 英语翻译There are a toal of 85 workers'hours available per day for productiona at a calculator manufacturer.There are 40 workers' hours available for encasement and quality control each day.The table below shows the number of hours needed in each 英语翻译1.Find a number thet is 56 less than its square.2.Find two consecutive odd integers the sum of whose squares is 130.3.A rectangular garden has perimeter 66ft and area 216ft(2).Find the dimensions of the garden.4.Two ships leave port,one 几道英语里数学应用题.这几道有点难,找英语高手翻译.1.40% of student in the school are boys .If there are 240 boys.how many students are there in the school.2. Among the 800 people, 7%like swimming. How many people like swimming? 英语的数学应用题A piece of wire,536 cm long is cut into two parts such that the longer part is 3 times as long as the shorter part.what are the lengths,in cm,of the two parts?A .134cm&402 B.144cm&392cm C.128&408 cm D.124cm&412cm E.None of the △ABC中,∠A+∠B=2∠C,∠A-∠B=20°,求三角形三个内角的度数 在△ABC中,∠A-∠B=20°,∠C=2∠B,求△ABC三个内角的度数 有甲乙两块实验田,甲田长40米,宽30米;乙田长50米宽16米要把360千克的化肥按面积分配每块应是多少化肥 1.已知集合{x l f(x)=x}={-1},f(x)=x平方+mx+n,则m+n= ——2.函数Y=1-1/x-1的增区间——— 英文数学应用题、高手进...The density Property of Real Numbers states that between any two real numbers,there is another real number.a.Does the set of integers have this property?Explainb.Use the density Property to write a convincing argum 设全集U={1,2,3,4},且A={X平方-mx+n=0.x€U,若CuA={2,3}求m,n的值…高一数学 数学应用题(英文的)2.Chris asked Loretta her age and she said:"My age?" she asked,"you'll have to guess!" "Just let me think,AH!,that's it:yes!" "Reverse my age,divide by three,add thirty-four,my age you'll see!" 一道用英语表达的数学应用题!jaspar has 37 baseball cards.if he gets 11 more cards,he will have exactly half as many cards as his friends,tom .how many cards does tom have? 有关拼音的知识拼音知识也大多忘了, 关于拼音的问题,运用拼音知识填空.我们永远都热爱自已伟大的祖国(1)韵母是后鼻韵母的字是:( )(2)声母是平舌音的字是:( )(3)读轻声的字是:( )(4)音节是三拼音的的字是 找知识的汉语拼音是什么? 语文拼音知识填空和诗 的和读什么音 请用小写字母打出来 并注明几声 一辆变速自行车,前齿轮是40,后齿轮是20,车轮直径是50cm时,蹬一圈,自行车能走()cm 英文数学应用题Saida owned 125 shares of an oil company.One day,the value of each share dropped by $0.31.The next day,the value of each share rose by $0.18.What was the total change in the value of Saida's Shares.麻烦把SOLUTION写出来.THAN 已知集合P=|x的平方+2(p-1)x+1=0,x∈已知集合p=|x的平方+2(p-1)x+1=0,x∈R,求一次函数y=2x-1,x∈p的取值范围 1)The sum of the area s of two circles is 65pi square feet.The length of a radius of the larger circle is one foot less than twice the length of the radius of the smaller circle.Find the length of a radius of each circle.2) The combined area of a s 读拼音填空 ()米是8米的四分之三,()吨的五分之一是二分之一吨.小张五分之一小时步行六分之五千米,步行一千米需要()小时,他每小时步行()千米.一个数的七分之三是18,她的九分之五是()一 2X平方+4X-1=0 是多少,希望见者能给我答案 2x的平方+4x+1=0怎么求 一个数减少4分之1后,再增加5分之1,结果比原数少10分之1. 二分之一 用英语表示是什么?是a half还是one second?我们老师讲的是one second而我一个同学上补习班 讲的是a half到底是哪个?