
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 12:28:49
对美国不熟悉用英语翻译 一个数的3分之1是21,这个数的7分之5是多少? 一个数的7分之3是21分之5,这个数是多少? 一个数的五分之2比75的1.2倍少80,求这个数快点有分的,快 英语翻译RT 麻烦问一下,酒店预定需要翻译是什么意思? 请大家帮我把这篇作文翻译成英文!急在一段时间的学习后,我发现自己在学习的过程中还存在着很多的不足,这些不足使我不能得到更好的进步,我决定要从发现自己身上的不足开始做起,改变 一个数的二分之一比他的多一点八,这个数是? 我一直都在你身边,英语是一直,不是永远.不要FOREVER 换个词 某数的二分之一比它的3倍少7方程 英语翻译Rainforests cover 6% of the earth's surface.Thousands and thousands of animals live in rainforests.Many of them live in the trees over 30 meters from the ground.There are lost of tall trees and the ground is always wet.Rainforests are v 夏夜雾姬 英语翻译您好.非常感谢您在百忙之中抽空完成此次调查.这是一份学术性问卷.旨在了解大学生在择业时对工作的态度.调查仅供研究使用.不会对您造成任何不利影响.请您放心作答.您的意见对 英语翻译I'm ANN.I am a student .I have got a small family--my father ,my mother and me.Now ,let me tell you sth.about my parents.  My father is 38.He is a driver .He is good at maths .He likes watching NBA.He doesn' t like singing.  My mo 英语翻译32.0 Construction of expansion joints.The materials given above shall be used for the following situations as detailed:a.Between 2 roofs at the same level Cast 200mm high x 150mm wide up-stand integrally with roof slab each side of joint, 小学数学(需要分析过程)有七盏灯,从1到7编号,开始时2、4、7号灯亮着,小明从1到7的顺序反复拉开关,一共拉了400下,这时几号灯是亮的?有一角、两角、五角、十元纸币各一张,一共可以组成 两辆汽车从东·西两站相对开出,第一次在离东站45千米的地方相遇,之后两车继续以原来的速度前进,各自到站后都立即返回,又在距中点东侧9千米处相遇.两站相距多少千米?9÷3=3(千米) (45-3)×2 = 小学数学(要解答过程)有两筐苹果,个数相同.从甲筐取出50个,从乙筐取出94个后,乙筐内的苹果个数是甲筐的三分之一.原来每筐有苹果多少个?用方程 一句话翻译(谢绝用google翻译之类的)你为什么不等待我的出现?(为什么你已经有男朋友了?!) 英语翻译我中文外号叫美美 我想英文名也叫美美 翻译成英文怎么叫哦? 英语翻译NEC top management determined that semiconductors would be the company’s most important “core product”.It entered into myriad strategic alliances – over 100 as of 1987 – aimed at building competencies rapidly and at low cost.In 英语翻译The distinction we observed in the way NEC and GTE conceived of themselves – a portfolio of competencies versus a portfolio of businesses – was repeated across many industries.From 1980 to 1988,Canon grew by 264%,Honda by 200%.Compare 英语翻译The distinction we observed in the way NEC and GTE conceived of themselves – a portfolio of competencies versus a portfolio of businesses – was repeated across many industries.From 1980 to 1988,Canon grew by 264%,Honda by 200%.Compare 英语翻译In more established markets,the Japanese challenge has been just as disquieting.Japanese companies are generating a blizzard of features and functional enhancements that bring technological sophistication to everyday products.Japanese car 英语翻译NEC top management determined that semiconductors would be the company’s most important “core product”.It entered into myriad strategic alliances – over 100 as of 1987 – aimed at building competencies rapidly and at low cost.In 英语翻译 英语翻译Skipping classes is one of the things that college students just do.How many of us remember the time we had to wake up for an eight o'clock class when the previous night we had been up till two?We all need our beauty sleep.Whould you choo 1.一项工程,甲单独做63天后,再由乙单独做28天即可完成,如果甲乙合作48天完成,现在甲先做42天,然后由乙来完成,问还需几天?2.新华书店新近一些故事书,第一天卖出30%,第二天卖出5%,比第一天多 请帮忙翻译一下以下两篇英语文章!很急!(一)Countey western music is very oid. It came from the United States, Canada, Ireland, and Great Britain. Country western music is a mixture of musix from all of these counteies.In the American W 英语翻译(1)When you are old ,it is good for you to have friends around.They can help you to live longer.Australian scientists said having friends around in old age can do more for life expectancy than having family members around.Friends may 英语翻译we are going to Xi an tomorrow 我明天动身去天津 翻译