
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 02:32:46
done,I,eight,when,miles,overtook,you,have,hour,an,you连词成句who,going look to the cat small after is连词成局 I overtook you at eight miles an hour这句话对吗I was doing eight when I overtook you是否相等第二句话 I was doing eighty when I overtook you这是课本原话 eighty打成了eight其他没打错,我一个一个的对了新概念英语一 谁知道60 miles an hour 的歌词是什么吗?在《名声大震》在,朴树和刘璇唱的就是首歌,它的歌词是什么啊? to eat or drink something 填一个c开头的单词……to eat or drink something 填一个c开头的单词to start in a particular place or situation 填一个O开头的单词是高二英语配套练习册上Unit2的第一题填词问题偶一下 II'm thirsty.please give me something to drink.anything will work. We'd like () Ok,here you are A.eat something B.drink somrthing C.something to eat 【英语】Will you get me _______ (something) to drink? what is the word exactly?同义句.()()the word()exactly? 汉译英 软件勿扰 请务必帮忙.语法通顺就行.在故事的一开头,与其他书中大同小异,用圣诞节特有的景色来衬托出kevin一家忙碌的身影,可怜的kevin在惹了事端之后,下定决心长大要自己生活.可是 英语翻译至于到底是found还是fun,我不确定.Time flies when you have found/fun. 英语语法题 时态和语态2题目为图片,请解释答案+翻译句子,最好能写出解题的思考过程, something to drink的中文意思是什么? something to drink的意思 ____ something to drink I am an idiot的中文意思是什么? I am an idiot!I am a madman!I hold your mom!I hold!我自己搞出来都想笑!哈哈哈!你们觉得呢? I'm a Blockhead,.?A Ninny,.?Or an idiot,.? .,_,.LIeb OuyAnG,.Vielen Dank für die gute,. IcH ImMer NoCh liEbe DiCh ,.Es tut mir leid,. , . yeah,. I'm FucKiNG Nuts,. . Y.A.N,. April fool to 怎么翻译比较合适 best for the best -josh ritter 歌词中文意思附英文歌词:Once I knew a girl in the hard hard timesShe made me a shirt out of fives and dimesNow she's gone but when I wear it she crosses my mindAnd if the best is for the best then the best i Skate is popular in winter in China.改错 汉译英软件勿扰我可能把话说得太严重了,也许是我自己的原因.我觉得,这本书的角色,**,**,***的性格完全跟现在不靠谱,一个10岁的男孩的身体再怎么弱也不至于不会走路吧?走路是人类的本能, 请高手帮我 汉译英 软件勿扰我认为,他在竞选电视辩论会上表现出来的那与众不同的魅力:他干练的外表,充沛的精力、自信的眼神、都完美的衬托出了这个男人身上所有的优点.他乐观向上 Through the Dark Glass 我想下这个歌. 求黄靖的 《Through the Dark Glass》 MP3120 80 30 199 when I lost her I felt regretful.这里的felt应该用fell 还是felt ? I'd rather be an idiot than lose who 仅仅是who cares who tama cares 台湾省和陕西省都在季风区内,但台湾省年降水量远远大于陕西省,可能的原因是A.台湾省所处纬度比陕西省低,降水多  B.陕西省受黄土高原的阻挡,降水少  C.台湾省两侧都是海洋,无 为什么台湾省的火烧寮雨量 最大而新疆的铁千里克雨量最小 高中英语模块五语法讲义第16题,请详细回答, Palace Museum is the best place ___I've ever visited.那要哪个时候用where