
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 06:37:25
She teaches English in a middle school.怎样变成一般疑问句 英语翻译建立在我的一个126邮箱里:wupengmusicbox2@126.com(密码:123abc) 收件箱里有一个名为“行政简历”的文件 附件里就是要翻译的简历了(要翻译的部分我用了红色字体,不长)请知道的 英语翻译find one's wayfind one's way outmake one's way 英语翻译Keeps on happening 2.Physical exercise and practice 3.Worries about things at home,school or work 4.Usual or common 5.Try to be the best or the first to finish something 6.Getting better or bigger 7.Looking for differences and similarit 求问几个英语短语是什么意思Once and for all (and all for one)Forever and always "Every morning he reads English for twenty minutes.”对“for twenty minutes .”提问 He reads English for fifeen minutes every morning的中文意思 reading english takes me thirty minutes every morning同义句 I read English for thirty minutes every day改成同义句 He reads English on every morning.改错 He often reads English in the morning的否定句 We often ( )English in the morning. a. read b. reads Li Hua often reads English in the morning改为一般疑问句____Li Hua often ____English in the mornin 选择最佳选项 A:What does he often do in the morning?B:He often ( ) English.A.reads B.read C.readin请帮助说明一下为什么.三个选项是:A.reads B.read C.reading Li Ming often reads English in the morning.(改为一般疑问句) i often read english in the morning该否定句i【】 【】english in the morning lsping often___(read).English in the morning. 改错:I and Cheng often read English books in the morning. In the morning,I often spend an hour practicing _____(read)English.为什么practicing后面用reading 两个都是ing啊 It takes me thirty minutes to read English every day.改为同义句 It takes me 15 minutes to read English every morning的同一句是有填的I()15 minutes () English every morning 两个空格填什么 Every morning ,we read English or Chinese f_ .Then we do morning excises. They enjoy (read) in the library We read English in the morning 变一般疑问What time_____your brother________(finsh)his homework every evening? I usually(read english)in the morning.对括号里的内容提问 I get up at 7;00 in the morning.Then I read English for 15 minutes.急 He__(read)English in the morning.Listen,he__(read)now He is always heard ____ English under a tree in the morning.A.read B.reads c.to readd.reading 把11到20这10个数分别填入右边的○里 使每个四边形上的4个数相加起来的和都等于64把11到20这10个数分别填入右边的“○”里,使每个四边形上的4个数相加起来的和都等于64○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 100减11减4加5减5减5减20减10等于?算数题40?你真的太聪明了,哈哈!果然有笨蛋算成40。 把11到20这10个数分别填入右边的○里 使每个四边形上的4个数相加起来的和都等于60○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○图是正确的.怎么相加等于24