
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 09:39:34
古文翻译 楚人曰:“勿杀,吾归而俘.”莒人杀之. many various reasonsmany 和various 的意思差不多,这样不是重复么? what kind of activities do you like to do?are you interested in going to Disney wonder land?free talk Machines are going to do Machines are going to do most of the worldMachines are going to do most of the world ,and so pelople are going to have more holidays .They are going to fly to the moon by spaceship and have their holidays there . Who can help me?哥哥姐姐们来帮我吧! 英语翻译巢谷,初名谷,字元修,眉州眉山人.熙宁中,会沪州蛮乞弟扰边,命存宝出兵讨之.邀谷至军中问焉.及存宝得罪,将就逮,自度必死,谓谷曰:“我泾原武夫,死非所惜.顾妻子不免寒饿,橐中有 Nowadays many students go to school_bikes instead of _footA.by,on B.on,on C.on,by D.by,with选哪个?为什么 巢谷传中巢谷的性格特点 巢谷传中巢谷和“我“的关系是 《巢谷传》表达作者对巢谷什么思想感情? 有没有keep to do这个短语 速来速来速来!keep to do sth 有这个词组么? 一首英文的歌曲 小孩子唱的 带什么烧瓶的(好像是这么读的 是英文的发音)鼻音很严重的那个 “女儿之山,鹊所巢”全文的翻译 女儿之山,鹊所巢.这篇文言文我有些问题,女儿之山,鹊所巢,有虎出于朴簌,鹊集而躁之.鹦鹉闻之,亦集而噪.寒鸦见而问之曰:“虎行地者也,其如子何哉,而躁之也?”鹊曰:“是啸而生风,吾畏其 谁有陆游 写的巢山这首诗的翻译 女儿之山 鹊所巢中鹊集而噪之的原因是什么(用原文回答) occasional cases can usually be result from some other more serious causes such as infections, vascular disease, and tumors. 3822 这里be result from 什么意思 17.We are just _____ calling you up _____ you come in.A.about; when B.on the point of; while C.不好意思,17.We are just _____ calling you up _____ you come in.A.about; when B.on the point of; while C.on the point of; when D.on the point of; as Don't _the words when you are reading.Apoint toB.point C.point atReading makes a full man.How can i read faster?Don't ----the words when you are reading. 性乃迁的翻译, 求美国福利制度的发展历史!The development of the Welfare State最好是英文的哦,中文的也行 金属shen是什么 huai 请问这句话中的it was in 或者说什么成分?是个习语之类吗?in an old man who knows human joys and sorrows,and has achieved whatever work it was in him to do,the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble. Please let him in 划分句子成分,这里面有主语吗?为什么不要主语? 为什么应对循环水进行氯化处理? 为什么自来水要进行氯化处理 有没有imagine having done的结构? if you wang to live and thrive,let a spider run alive寻找高手翻译下这句谚语的含义~不要字面意思~ if you want to live and thrive ,let a spider run alive翻译的很垃圾 是spend time to do sth 还是spend time to dong sth