
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/06 02:29:04
外来生物的主要入侵途径是什么 测电阻时指针是从右往左偏还是从左往右偏? 关于人眼 光谱特性或者视觉特性的书籍,要详细研究的,科普的就算了,专家请进,围观绕行 用人之道~历史上最会看人和用人的是谁? 企业用人之道企业有什么用人之道,还要举例,最好越多,100分哦 用人之道 英语怎么说? 5吨面粉卖出百分之30后,又卖出4分之一吨,还剩多少吨?算式 4吨面粉卖出1/8后,又卖出|/4,还剩多少吨? 4吨面粉卖出30%后,有卖出4分之1,还剩( )吨. 各位亲们吃烤鱼,碳烤鱼的做法 正宗烤鱼配方 我想学做烤鱼,哪里可以学做重庆烤鱼,烤鱼做法配方 重庆烤鱼的做法,万州烤鱼的正宗配方?谁提供正宗配方?我是厨师.但是手头没有烤鱼配方.请问,谁能给我提供烤鱼的正宗配方呢.我可以花钱买.几千几万的卖一个配方的,就不要来找我的. 想开烤鱼店,求烤鱼的做法配方?高价买烤鱼正宗配方.自己是烧烤师,但是不会做烤鱼.还请哪位朋友卖一份烤鱼配方给我.我想做烤鱼. 孟子是一个怎样的人? 英语翻译A famous foreign company that invested in China wanted to employ a reception secretary for its public relation department.A beautiful girl with a master degree in electric engineering became a winning candidate through the difficult proce 英语翻译Your words cut rather deeply,I’m hiding from a distance,and I’ve got to pay the price.Defending all against it,I really don't know why.You’re obsessed with all my secrets.You always make me cry.No mantle what I do.I'm telling just a 帮忙翻译一篇英语短文啊 谢谢谢啊.The Spring Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. It falls on the first day of the first month in the Chinese lunar calendar.Before the day, people are busy preparing for 英语翻译A Healthy Lifestyle,the chinese wayTtaditional chinese doctor believe we need abalance of yin and yang to be healthy.For example,are you often weak and tired?Maybe you have too much yin.You should eat hot yang foods,like beef.Eating Dangs 若发现指针偏转角较小.应换大倍率的的挡,反之则换小倍率的挡.偏转角指的是从哪里偏到哪里呢? 王子犹 文言文及翻译,和文举妙答的翻译! 纤维素是多糖,作用______? 酸可以催化多糖水解 但是人体内的盐酸怎么不能水解纤维素呢? 除去铜锈最好的方法为什么加热不行? The clothes are dirty .I'm helpful.I can____A.do the dishesB.make the redC.wash the clothes TO have your dirty clothes ____,you can go to a laundry .A.wash B.to wash C.washingD.washed为什么正确答案是D,其他的为什么不可以,麻烦大家帮我辨析下, 1、“汝之形如鸾之秀,如云之孤,纵使卑朴,亦足养德.”2、“然,云何珠玑之宝,天不授我,反授汝耶?”3、“天授于内,不授于外.启于口,见予心,汝虽外美,其于内何?摩顶放踵,委屈而已.”4、是以 文举之对是文言文 谁帮我译全文 They've _____us 1500000 for the house.SThey've _____us 1500000 for the house.Shall we take it? 问大家几句文言文的意思!速度(7分钟内)!1.敏而好学,不耻下问.2.学而不厌,诲人不倦.3.三人行,必有我师焉;择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之.4.天时不如地利,地利不如人和.5.得到者多助,失 They should walk (pass)the (wooden)house (to)get to the (post office)(改错题)上题中括号部分由一处错误,请找出并改正 they should go to his house (改为一般疑问句) ------- they ------to his house 67.在可见光中,波长最长的是红色光,最短的是紫色光.请问,人眼感觉最敏锐的是何种颜色的光?