
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 23:47:54
No matter how difficult, I have to work hard, rain or shine的中文意思是什么 The police hurried to the house only to find (that) it was empty.这句话是属於啥句形或是用啥语法?属於啥从句? On my way,no matter sun or rain这句的中文是什么?不懂英语但是这句话关系着我一个很重要的人所以很想知道 The boys are not doing ______-(they) homework.用所给词的适当形式填空 what is "fresh reason " in Chinese?The sentence is "There are fresh reasons for optimism in the battle against AIDS." 该如何给我们的生活增添乐趣? You Look So Fine 歌词 You're So Right 歌词 “彦”字如何组词造句?“彦”字怎么组词造句?我查了半天,都是人名. 彦怎么组词 让我们的生活更多彩翻译的美一点,谢谢. Dont smoke和not smoke有什么区别? 谁能告诉我‘彦’字代表什么意思啊 这是什么字 彦 彦属于什么词 In2050,cars will be different .Computers will drive them .We needn’t know how to drive Clothes will be different ,too.They will aiways be clean . We needn’t wash them. Moms will be very happy . In 2050,we needn’t go to school .We can stay a Don't you see them_____(drive) their cars Don't you see they ______(drivr) thier cars,速回hurry up 形容朝气蓬勃,才华横溢.可靠 既可以形容男人又可以形容女人的成语有哪些?如才华横溢… 集求形容人才华横溢的成语形容人满腹经纶、才高八斗、学识广精的词皆可最好是有典故的。 cigarette是什么意思 古代中的彦字是什么意思 已知:sin²30°+sin²90°+sin²150°=3/2 sin²12°+sin²72°+sin²132°=3/2 sin²5°+sin²65°+sin²125°=3/2通过观察上述等式的规律,请你写出一般性的命题:________________我 问一道数学题 f(x)=x的平方,g(x)=x-1 问 若存在x属于R 使f(x)小于b*g(x) 求实数b的取值范围 山海关是一座什么的雄关 山海关的风貌是? 山海关 问:作者站在雄关之上,心情发生了怎样的变化? 雄关仍以他那雄伟庄严的风貌,可歌可泣的历史,鼓舞着人们的坚强意志如何缩句 Cn=2^n+3^n 是否是等比数列 One evening ,after work ,l got on a train ,found a seat and sat down .A man was next to me.He was reading a book .I had nothing to do,so l read the same book with the man.I read a page and sat back ,waiting for him to turn it .After a white ,l found work out和find out的区别做出题目 应该用哪个? 可不可以说find work