
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 06:22:18
用括号内所给的单词的正确形式填空 I don't know how I can practise _____(speak) English. 我不会说英语怎么讲?I don't speak English.,可以把speak 换成say 桥之美 田野无声,画家们为什么寻桥? 谁能帮我解决这个问题?(如下) 返工的定义? 粤语翻译成中文:听日唔使返工. “返工返到攰为两餐晏仔”是什么意思啊 返修是什么意思啊? 英语翻译Feeling the moment the slip away Losing direction you're losing faith You're wishing for someone Feeling it all begin to slide Am I just like you All the things you do - can't help myself How do you feel when there's no sun How do you fee 英语翻译单词意思意思意思,blind,post box ,decided,moment,carrying,cart,push, get(be)lost和lost的区别 She likes () up early 填空 作文:于无声处谁给一些好的材料、例子~作文写作素材~ exo灿白于无声处中的经典句子是什么?(应该是于无声处吧.)好像是相爱几年.什么什么.死无别期什么的.忘了的说 she likes says to_______when she walksa himself b herself c ONSelf JUST E MOMENT这个单词是什么意思啊? Just speak a little English 还是 say a little English 想听雨的声音代表什么最近想听雨的声音,代表了什么? 如何让写听雨的声音?如下文.那柔曼如提琴者、是草丛中淌过的小溪;那清脆如弹拨者、是石缝间漏下的滴泉;那厚重如倍司轰响者、应为万道细流汇于空谷;那雄浑如铜管齐鸣者、定时激 有没有女生能帮我解决一下这个问题?我非常沉迷于虚拟世界,特喜欢视频聊天,裸的.不知道你喜欢不喜欢,加我吧 帮忙解决一下这个问题 五年级英语首字母填空Reaging is my favourite thing.When l was y_1_ l once read a cartoon book.From zhen on,books have been my best f-2- for more then ten years.l love books.So when my parents ask me what gift l want for my birthday or zhe Ne 曹操杀华佗——( )歇后语 Write the things that belong to Linda or Mike的句子成分怎么划分?修饰tthe things 的that belong to Linda or Mike既不是从句又不是介词短语,是什么东东啊? every day once 辛苦你们了! Do you remember what were you doing 文章第一段句子成分划分(在线等)Do you remember what you were doing People often remember what they were doing when they heard the news of important events in history.In the United States,for exampl Not allowed to post messages more than once every {60} 华佗真是曹操杀的吗? Can you give me five more books?的同义句 class 9,grade 7 is the ------ (nine ) class of grade 7用所给词的正确形式填空她的生日是4月20号her birthday is ----- ---- ------.弗兰克的生日是什么时候?------- is ------ birthday 完成句子 Could you give me some more advice这句话哪里有问题