
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 06:38:28
山东英语三级考的是什么卷?是全国卷?还是单独命题的?分AB卷吗?怎么个分发? 英语翻译是proportion of three company are the same还是three proportions of company are the same 英语翻译翻得准确一点 开头梅花音的单词是a开头的,快疯了 谁知道关于梅花的词? 谁有有关梅花的词 南极洲大还是俄罗斯大 西班语加泰隆语我爱你怎么读出来,就像英语我爱你是爱拉服油. 请翻译:调查的目的是了解我们的市场占有率和有多少上升空间. The couple had no sooner got to the station ___ the coach left.A.when B.as C.until D.than 请翻译成英文:他们正在我们和GE之间做出选择. 英语演讲稿(急,明天比赛了,我自己写的不合格)哭了 culture smart or science intelligent百度知道很强大!积分不是问题 No sooner had they got in the wheat than it began to rain heavily. 世界上最大的未解之谜是什么? 跪求culture smart or science intelligent题目的英文演讲稿!哪位神人有论点的! 有木有人知道这是怎么鱼呢? 这是神马鱼啊,有木有人知道呢? it's+adj.+for sb.to do sth.若for改为to用法!it is adj.to sb.to do sth.是一定存在的,eg:it is helpful to us.it is good to me.it is adj for sb.to do sth.出现更多:it was too hard for me to carry them.请问在什么时候用to,for,这个 cultural diversity 与multiculturalism的区别知道的前辈请用中文精要解释下, 因为我看了英文的释义后还是不清楚他们的区别.我essay的deadline要到期了! 拜托了! disadvantsges of cultural diversity; 请大家帮我修改成现在进行时时态I went to Beijing last summer vacation.People in there were very friendly.I aet Beijng duck,it'sdelicious.I was happy,I'd like to go to Beijing next vacation. 求2篇德语作文:第一篇用完成时,主题是《我的圣诞节》;第二篇用现在时,主题是《和朋友去买衣服》.每篇120个单词左右就可以了.完成之后我会另给附加分! but wants to like you also i also having oppotunity me to love you 沙漠 行结束了,小骆驼又见到了小红马,他会怎么说, 沙漠旅行结束了,小骆驼又见到了小红马他会怎么说?写一段话!90字左右 沙漠旅行结束了,小骆驼又见到那匹小红马,他会怎么说,105字 沿海岛屿最多的省级行政区是什么 观刈麦》中描写农民劳作环境恶劣、表现农民生活艰辛的语句:_____________ ,______________.在联想集团处于经营困境时,“联想之父”柳传志再度出山担任集团董事长,真可谓“_____________ ,___________ 我的家风家规单位要的,不超过100字.可围绕家庭教育中的和谐、孝道、勤俭、劝学、劝善、励志、修养等方面. — What did your father say?— He asked us ______.A.how to mend the recorder B.why we mend the recorder C.that we mended the recorderD.where did we mend the reco 谁能告诉我学古文背古文 意义有那些 请高人指点 谢谢 -what did he say on the phone?-he asked us_______Ahow we should do with the problem Bwhen shall we attend his wedding Cthat Lady Gaga was honored with a number of awards Dif the thief has been found