
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 02:30:42
一根绳子长52米把它分成两段,围成两个矩形两个矩形,两个矩形长和宽的比分别是2:1和3:2围成的最小面积是多少? ABC三个男生中选二人,DE二个女生中选一个人,共有几种选法,男生A被选中是几分之几? 在一个长12分米、宽6分米的长方形水槽中,放入一块长方体铁块,这样水面就上升2厘米,已知铁块的长和宽都是3分米,求铁块的高. 1)一名学生问老师:“您今年多大?”老师风趣地说:“我像你这样大时,你才出生;你到我这么大时,我已经37岁了.”请问老师、学生今年多大年龄了呢?2)某酒店的客房有三人间和两人间两 这是一道数学题,小军的爸爸把一个边长是1.4米的小饭桌改成了圆桌,请你帮他爸爸算一算,增加部分的面积是多少?(得数保留两位小数) “迎奥运,我为先”联欢会上,班长准备了若干张相同的卡片,上面写的是联欢会上同学们要回答的问题.联欢会开始后,班长问小明:你能设计一个方案,估计联欢会共准备了多少张卡片?小明用2 要具体过程及分析思路,谢含有同种果蔬单浓度不同的A,B两种饮料,A种饮料重40千克,B种饮料重60千克.现在从这两种饮料中各倒出一部分,且倒出部分的重量相同,再将每种饮料所倒出的部分与另 大家帮忙解一道奥数题,要过程,谢谢!有1997个奇数,他们的和等于他们得积.其中只有3个数不是1,而且是3个不同的质数.那么,这样的3个质数可以是( )、( )、( ) 大家踊跃回答啊!谢谢!越快 证明2002×2003×2004×2005+1是一个整数的平方,并求出这个整数. 一项工程,甲单独做要15天,乙比甲多要2天,丙比甲多要10天.如果甲、乙合作5天后,再由乙、丙合作,还要几天才能完成? 一道数学题,用二元一次方程组解(我要过程及讲解)客车和货车分别在两条平行的铁轨上行驶,客车长150米,货车长250米,如果两车相向而行,那么从两车车头相遇到车尾离开共需10秒钟;如果客 小明在一段路上练习往返跑步,如果按每分钟跑300米,正好在规定时间返回起点.结果跑时每分钟只跑240米,如果要按原规定时间返回起点,返回时每分钟应跑多少米?商场计划进一批收音机,按20%的 有一个人在一条笔直的公路上匀速行走 他发现 每隔6分钟后面就驶过来一班公共汽车 而每隔4分钟迎面遇见一辆公共汽车 假设公共汽车的速度是一定的 问 公共汽车隔多长时间发一班车?真是 1、一个圆柱形玻璃杯内盛有水,水面高是2.5厘米,玻璃杯内侧的底面积是72平方厘米.在这个杯中放进棱长6厘米的正方体铁块后,水面没有淹没铁块,这时水面高是( )厘米.2、一个盛有水的圆柱 函数f(x)的图像如下图所示:求 f '(1/2)的值函数f(x)=4x^2+3, 寻找它的解在x=1的切线方程中.若曲线的切线方程写为y=mx+b,求m和b的值.函数f(x)=(x+3)^2,寻找他的解在x=3的切线方程中,若曲线的切线 有几道数学题请大家帮忙解一下4、用10个大瓶和6个小瓶可装墨水7.2千克,用6个大瓶和2个小瓶可装墨水4千克.大瓶和小瓶每个各能装墨水多少千克?5、一级茶叶3千克的价格和二级茶叶5千克的价 将-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,填入图中的10个方格,每一个格填一个数,使得田字形的4个方格中所填的数字之和都等于P,求P的最大值. (1)在数列1,根号5,3,根号13,根号17,.中,3×根号5是该数列的第几项?(最好把通项公式也写出来)(2)3/2,-13/4,41/8,-113/16,.(写出通项公式)(3)已知数列{an},an=-0.3×n的平方+2n+23/3,求它的最大值.呵 英语翻译The above graph could represent which of the following inequalitiesA.y≤x/1 B.y<(1/2)的x平方 C.y≥1/x D.y≥(1/2)的x平方 E.y≥x的负二分之一次方 这是一道英语的数学题,请大家帮忙! 谢谢了!16. Maggie deposits a sum of money in a bank at an interest rate of 7% p.a. compounded half-yearly.If the interest she received after 3 years is 1834, find the principal. Two ferries start at the same time from opposite sides of a river.Each travels at a constant speed,but one is faster than the other .They pass at a point 720m from the nearest shore.Both boat wait ten minutes before going back.On the return trip they A is a natural number .if A subtracts 1,3,5...(some continous odd numbers )until it cannot subtract more ,the result will be 29 ;if A subtracts 2,4,6...(some continous even numbers )until it cannot subtract more ,the result will be 13 .so what is A 又是一道英文数学题, 求高手解答!~For how many ordered pairs of positive integers (x,y) is 2x+3y 就是我们所用的那些解啊 综上啊等等这些用英语写整个过程,所必用的的词与格式 18) Mr wong deposits $2000000 in a bank and the simple interest he will receive after 2 years is $400000.he then deposits the total amount in another bank which offers the same interest rate but the interest is compounded half-yearly.what amount wi 英语翻译1、The number of diagonals that can be drawn in a regular polygon with twenty sides(icosagon)is ( )2、The greatest number of Mondays,which can occur in 45 consecutive days,is ( )3、You have 3 weights:1kg,3kg,9kg as well as an equal the product of 7 and a number is more than the sum of 7 and the number ,what is the number what is the smallest integer than could be a solution for a number? Pages 6 and 27 are on the same (double) sheet of a newspaper.What are the page numbers on the opposite side of the sheet?How mamy pages are there in the newspaper altogether? A straight plam tree fell against another tree,forming a right triangle.The trunks of the two trees were 20 feet apart at the ground .A monkey climbs 53 feet up the learning tree trunk and then comes down the standing tree trunk.How many feet does th 英文数学题、帮解决.看图、呃.题不难、英语难.各位宝贝帮帮喔.. The radius of a circular water wave increases at the rate R(t)=0.35/secHow fast does the area A(t) of the circle increase when R(t)=1m?帮忙讲解下是问题到底问的是什么,要是能把答案给了更好, There are 25 squares in the picture.If you put 5 coins in the square and three can be only one in each line and column,how many ways can you put the coins?就是第2句不太明白关键就是那个three如果按题意做(three)就太简单了也不