
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 07:52:33
在半径4cm的圆里画一个最大的正方形,正方形约占圆形面积的百分之几 如右图在一个正方形里画一个最大的圆这个圆的直径是4cm这个圆的面积的几分之几?再在圆里画一个最大的正方形圆的面积是正方形面积的几倍 如图长方形的面积是30平方厘米图中半圆的面积 在一个直径是4cm的圆里画一个最大的正方形,求正方形的面积 从一列数1,5,9……93,97中,任取14个数,证明:其中必有两个数的和等于102 若根号下x的平方-3分之x-3的值为1,则x的取值范围 已知函数f(X)(X∈R)满足f(1)=1,且f(x)在R上的导数f'(x)<1/2,则不等式f(lgX)<lgX/2+1/2的解集为 函数f(x)=lgx的导数问题函数 f(x)=lgx 的导数为什么等于 f(x)'=1/x (要有证明过程)我怎么也证不出来,所以就问问大家啦 Please t__ this sentence into Chinese. Please turn this sentence into Chinese.=Please ____this sentence ____Chinese Help me translate this sentence into Chinese,please!The following invention are part of people's life,but they haven't been around for all that long."be around 麻烦翻译整一段话。 please help translating this sentence into Chinese~thx!Staff induction includes specific environmental management aspects for the duties and responsibilities of each position. Please translate this sentence into Chinese,Thank you!Close attention will be attached to handling issues related to population,resources and the ecological environment,and further steps will be taken to implement the strategy of sustainable developm 写一个关于骆驼祥子读后感的题目含义深刻一点,题目新颖一点,不要抄袭,就是与命运抗争啊,旧社会悲惨啊,祥子的精神啊. 如图,求证:(1)∠BDC>∠A;(2)∠BDC=∠B+∠C+∠A.如果点D在线段BC的另一侧,结论会怎样? 已知∠BDC=∠B+∠C+∠A如果点D在线段BC的另一侧,结论会是什么样加急, would you please( )it down?it sounds( ).A.not turn,nice B.not turn,wellC.not to turn,niceD.not to turn,well If you can't go,let me go i__.Please write down this important sentence in red i___.It's the most i__ part of the job.There were many sharp things on the beach .Ken h__ his left foot badly.If you heat the water,it will be h__. 在Word中想对一个数字同时加上下标,如何操作?如423,如何将2设为4的上标,3设为4的下标?求教! 分别出一张《骆驼祥子》的《朝花夕拾》的《钢铁是怎样炼成的》的试卷,要有答案!要快呀!要在明天之前呀!要多点呀!速度呀 怎样写有关《骆驼祥子》、《朝花夕拾》、《钢铁是怎样炼成的》的读书笔记? 建筑基础底面标高怎么理解? 如图,试证明:∠BDC=∠B+∠C+∠A,果然点D的线段BC的另一侧,结论会怎样? 如图,(1)求证:∠BDC=∠A+∠B+∠C; (2)如果点D与点A分别在线段BC的两侧,猜想∠如图,(1)求证:∠BDC=∠A+∠B+∠C;(2)如果点D与点A分别在线段BC的两侧,猜想∠BDC、∠A、∠B、∠C这四个 点D在∠BAC内部,并且在直线BC右侧时,探索∠BDC,∠B,∠C,∠A的关系.说明理由 (理) 已知函数f(x)在[0,正无穷)上是增函数,g(x)=f(|x|).若f(x)=lgx,则.(理) 已知函数f(x)在[0,正无穷)上是增函数,g(x)=f(|x|).若f(x)=lgx,则g(lgx)>g(1)时x的取值范围是多少 please translate this sentence?Peters is quoted as saying "In my acr,as much as I try to make it look like we all think and talk so differently ,the point is ,we all do the same thing! 证明函数f(x)=lgx+x-2在(0,+∞)上是增函数,并写出零点存在的一个区间 please help translate this sentenceIt is each employee's personal responsibility to bring violations or suspected violations of the UTC Standards of Conduct to the attention of their supervision,the legal department of their operating entity,or to th please translate this sentence for me.there was surely a spirit of intensity everywhere that made for short effort. try to translate this sentence pleasemessage instantly and anywhere.即时短信无处不在? is it right that i have translated to?(这个后面我自己加了个to.感觉自然而然就加上去了,对不?自己理解是to that sentence. Translate this sentence in English,please“我将会变得越来越强”用英语翻译可不可以译为"I will be more and more stronger"? 一卫星绕地球做匀速圆周运动 ,运行轨迹距离地面高度为h,已知地球半径为R,地球表面重力加速度为g不考虑地球自转的影响求1卫星的线速度 2卫星绕地球做匀速圆周运动的周期