
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/06 08:48:25
World Academy of Science是什么意思 英语作文From Julius Caesar to Christopher Clumbus to Thomas Jefferson这是一篇老师随意想到的作文题目,请问该些哪方面啊?该怎么写啊? 请问1803年美国的Jefferson从法国购买的Louisiana(路易斯加州洲)是美国领土的几倍? I heard Bob was coming back from his journey to France?这句话是对的吗?这里为什么会是was coming? Are they in the same baseball team?怎么修改 百度知道 park 求造句 谁会用knowledeg、park造句快 park造句 Ocean park 造句 GREEN BOTTLE怎么样 请问席梦思垫哪个好? In what is likely to deal a heavy blow to agriculture in the Tohoku region,hard hit by the huge quake and tsunami,the Japanese government is confirming the first reports of radioactive contamination to farm products near a nuclear power plant.句子 agriculture is poised to shrink 请问一下这个句子的结构 主谓宾 farming和agriculture有什么区别吗? How do you ___for coming late for the meeting?A.explain B.excuse C.describe D.account 改错I afraid that you are late for the meeting It was the first time for an Englishman named Toby to travel,and he found himself in South America with1_money to buy a ticket for the travel back home.Because it would take him only two days to go back by ship and he found that he would be all right As we have seen, the second half of the 18th century was an exciting time in Europe: it was not only an age of great invention, but social changes also led to a rise in all sorts of entertainment, from reading to museums, to travel. (←这一句 He was bored为什么用was?不用is哪?was不是is的过去式吗?这里好像没有过去式啊?没有前一个句子,用is可不可以?是的 不过为什么英语翻译里是WAS? Dear you 以A girl named Xiaoxiao was ill in hospital because of为开头的英语完行填空 uncle 为什么是元音开头啊 不是要以a e i o u的音素的么 请问申请英国大学需要的IGCSE English 的成绩是first language还是second language的成绩?还是都可以? 帮我音译HF写给SJ的Dear you请记住是音译不是翻译:是音译,最好是中文,拼音都行. 张师傅加工一批零件,每一天完成的个数与整数比是1:3,如果再加工15个,就可以完成这批零件的一半,这批零件共有多少个 IGCSE English as first languageIGCSE 英语考试里有没有听力这一项? 任务型阅读english is now the first language about 350English is now the first language of about 350 million people,the mother language of 12countries and the official language of more thirty-three countriesEnglish has become the “new Latin(拉 I hope that your "just so so" will turn to be "just so wonderful" 千乘之国“乘”的拼音是什么 “跷跋”把足字旁换成“钱”字旁呢?怎么念? 闲乘月里的乘读什么?千乘之国里的乘读什么 千乘之国是形容国家大还是国家小