
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/30 13:18:40
买椟还珠,郑人买履,滥竽充数,画蛇添足的寓意和解释有什么区别 第一题已知lgx+lgy=21g(x-2y) 求log更号2 x/y的值第二题已知函数f(x)=2x^3-ax^2+6bx在x=-1处有极大值71、求f(x)的解析式2、求f(x)的单调区间 成语买椟还珠的意思是? 请帮忙查成语{有分}方寸之地 短小精悍妙笔生花 芝兰玉树 闻过则喜上下其手 从一而终深孚众望求田问舍入木三分 安之若素寥若晨星 忍俊不禁 煊赫一时 方程(lgx)^2+(lg2+lg3)lgx+lg2lg3=0的两根之积x1x2=多少 求方程lgx+(lg2+lg3)lgx+lg2lg3=0的两根之积x1x2 质变目标的回溯什么意思 如题. 2(X+(22-X))=44怎么解 94%X=X/2+22怎么解? 越快越好! x^2-124x+4100=256如何解 查找带如带思字的四字成语 寻找带壁的四字成语寻找第二个字带壁的四字成语 带搜字的成语越多越好,四字的 (lgx)^2+(lg2+lg3)lgx+lg2.lg3=0,两根为x1.x2则x1x2=?用设未知数的做法 app is closed(10011)什么意思 app is closed什么意思,为什么账号会突然掉了 Error“Internal Error #2 - Please be sure the app is running and on the licence screen! 3dmax2008安装后,打开注册机时弹出internal error#2-please be sure the app is应该是Internal Error#2-please be sure the app is running and on zhe license screen! 已知0 形容原已经计划好了的事情的成语 已知x+1/x=2,不解方程,求x^1024+1/x^1024 用上一个能反映祖国建设成就的成语例如:声振寰宇的两弹一星 反映祖国建设成就的事情稿件要短小,不超过150字!不要建设成就的名字,要4篇,不过越多越好(低于4个的不要) 反映祖国的建设成就简短点的 Is it a sign of schizophrenia?i am a student,20.i was very shy,and never talkED to some of the girls in my class,but i wanted to know what they think.so sometimes i deliberately cough after them or do the same thing as they did to express my favor fo is none of your businsess.的中文意思 x+2/5=21 (第二十一题)若x-5的绝对值=5-x,x=__? Every time there is a beautiful rainbow,remenber that it is the sign of God's promise to the world~ It is not a sign of humility to declaim against pride中的不定式是否做主语,It is not a sign of humility to declaim against pride中的不定式是否做主语.