
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/29 15:11:44
I think the teacher is wrong,____?No,I don't think so.A.don't you B.don't I C.doesn't he D.doesn't sheThe answer is A.WHY? 系表结构是做谓语吗如果系表做谓语是及物动词还是不及物动词的请举例说明, 系表结构与谓语的区别 The young man talking with the headmaster over there must be a teacher in our school __ ?A is he B isn't he C must he D mustn't he 英语口语的TH咬舌音可以不咬舌吗?如果不咬舌的话,老外会觉的说的怪吗?如果两个连续带th的词呢for example:Althouth the economy develops pretty slow. 英语口语流利的请进,关于s或t's后面跟th如何发音?比如读What's the matter 时,如果the中的th音咬舌的话,那t's音后直接发th音,我觉得很难连起来,总是产生很大停顿;如果th不咬舌的话,当然问题很快 关于英语字组th的发音问题!对英语语音透彻,真正懂的人请进!英语字组th在发音时一般发θ和ð,当发ð(z的咬舌音)时,我听很多单词的发音时,为什么听到的发音都是w的发音.比如:father, 谁能告诉我这些句子的后面怎么写?千里送鹅毛-( )瞎子点灯-( )人心齐,( )不经一事,( ) 力荐这个词语的含义是什么 英语中/S/和/Z/的读音,舌尖抵的是上齿背还是下齿背,和汉语中的z、s一样吗是不是英语中是下齿背,汉语中是上齿背 霸王龙用英语怎么说 如果你种下的是汗水,收获的将会是无限的希望.仿写2句 疑的左半边加页怎么读, 天啊,吃的好上火,喉咙发炎了,真是难受极了!用英语怎么说 土旁加个歇的左半边怎么读 只要我满意就一定会采纳. “陪”的左半边,“礼”的右半边,是一个姓氏,怎么读?急着急! 我非常喜欢意大利 我想再纹句有意义的句子 是意大利语的 希望大家推荐一下!附带下中文意思啊! 帮忙想几个这样的句子:早已习惯不曾习惯的习惯、希望我的希望不只是希望 我想要一些励志,让人燃烧起希望的话语.大众化的就不要说了.粘贴复制的也就PASS了吧.= =..我没失败啊.就是想激励自己一下.我爱好很多啊 囧.跆拳道.素描.音乐.看书.游戏.囧 英语日记80词左右 主系表结构和主谓宾结构 我想找一些伤感的句子,希望不要是那些老面孔. (分数高)(采纳快)阅读短文,回答问题.(见补充)My name is Tom. I'm twelve years old. I'm an American boy. Now I live in China with my mom and dad. I study in People's Primary School. My work by car. My dad is an accountant. H 翻译:扁桃体发炎&牙龈发炎,发炎,炎症用英文怎么说? 有一个姓和的楚国人,偶然在山中发现一块品质极好的大玉块,内心十分兴奋,便带了这块玉去见楚厉王,表示要献给厉王.厉王命一个玉匠来鉴定这块玉的价值.不料,玉匠在鉴定后说:“这不是玉 2010新生词语“给力”是何含义? Which bus should I < A.takes B.take C.taking D.to take还有就是英语里面经常说什么在句中作表语,还有定语? Change the following sentences into passive voice.The farmers have cut down many trees in the past years.2.We will build a train ststion here in the future.3.I'm painting my new house so I haven't moved in.4.When you check in at a hotel,they will ask Change the active voice into the passive voice1.We have sent for a famous doctor.2.They have built many factories in the development zone.3.China has brought in much technology and foreign money to develop her economy.4.Do people speak English in you Change the following sentences from passive to active voice.The sink will be fixed by the plumber.Artichokes are grown in California by farmers.Pat has been asked by Jack to be his best man.Cupcakes were bought by Sarah to celebrate her birthday.The Change the active voice into passive voiceI am going to see the doctor. change the active voice into the passive voice.主动改被动Do they take care of the sick?He was operating on an old patient.I will be looking into the matter.You may find this kind of trees everywhere.