
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 05:08:35
如图所示,A、B、C三个一样的滑块从粗糙固定斜面上的同一高度同时开始运动,A由静止释放,B的初速度方向沿斜面向下,大小为v0,C的初速度方向沿斜面水平,大小也为v0,下列说法中正确的是(A)A 一个物体以初速度V0=10m/s自斜面底端向上滑行,到达斜面顶端时速度恰好为0一个物体以初速度V0=10m/s自斜面底端向上滑行,到达斜面顶端时速度恰好为0 随狗物体向下滑行返回底端时的速度为5m/s 宏观经济学一题(英文),中英文回答皆可,Consider a household with a horizon of two periods and whose income is 4000 today and 8.000 tomorrow.(a) Suppose the real interest rate is r=0.03.What is the household’s wealth in terms of tod 一道宏观经济学的英文题,用中文回答就好了Macroeconomic data do not show a strong correlationbetween investment and interest rates.Let’s examine why this might be so.Useour model in which the interest rate adjusts to equilibrate the 英文宏观经济学题目,中文回答即可We can build China's low mobility of international capital flow in the model by drawing a steep BoP curve.Pls draw the IS,LM,and BoP curve for China suggesting they cross at one equilibriun point initiall 一个英文的宏观经济学题目(可用中文作答)suppose Worry island is a closed economy.After the fincial turmoil,the households become pessimistic about the future.a:instead,suppose the central bank targets on a fixed interest rate.Use 问几道考试的英语题,1.Don't worry.she'll look after your pet ________.A.careful enough B.enough careful C.carefully enough D.enough carefully2.Expo 2010 is the largest attraction event in the history of the wold.It will take many days______it 为什么安第斯山脉的南段,山体东西两端的自然景观差异较大? 南美洲安第斯山脉南段西侧常年盛行什么风?估计是填关于气候的风 超纯水机哪个牌子的好啊?biosafer的怎么样的? 超纯水机哪个牌子好? 2.08千米=( )千米( )米 1小时40分=( )分 长16厘米,宽4厘米的长方形纸,一张横着卷,一张竖着卷,卷成的圆柱形,圆柱形的r,c,h,s侧,v分别是什 拿两张都是长16厘米,宽4厘米的长方形纸,一张横着卷成圆柱形,一张竖卷成圆柱形,两个圆柱的体积一样大吗? 2张一样的长方行纸,长16厘米,宽4厘米 一张横着卷成圆柱,另一张竖着卷成圆柱行 2个圆的体积是多少? 长16厘米,宽4厘米的长方形纸,一张横着卷,一张竖着卷,卷成的圆柱形,圆柱形的r,c,h,s侧,v分别是 一张长方形纸,长16厘米,宽4厘米.把长方形纸卷成圆柱形有两种情况:1.横着卷 2.竖着卷,比较体积,写出发现 欲知道实验室超纯水机运行和后续费用情况 I want to be his favorite hello and hardest goodbye 她对我说这句话 代表什么 I want to be his favorite hello and hardest goodbye. I want to be your favorite hello, and your hardest goodbye.翻译成中文 I want to be his favorite hello and his hardest goodbye.怎么翻译最好? I want to be your favorite helllo,and your hardest goodbye. 计量经济学eviews ls估计表计算可决系数及t F值等 模型为yi=β0+β1X1i+β2i+μiLS // Dependent Variable is YSample:1 10Variable Coefficient Std.Error T-Statistic Prob.C 24.4070 6.9973 0.0101X2 -0.3401 0.4785 0.5002X3 0.0823 0.0458 0.1 loving you one more time everyday是什么意思请认真翻译 稍有偏差 意思就变了 I love you more each day as time goes time No one more than I love you什么意思 用科学记数法表示!1.2400020002.80001003.0.00000008014.0.00005215.0.10001 Itis not very hard to find your way form the from the station to the school的意思 翻译Your feelings flow directly from your dreams today, making it difficult toYour feelings flow directly from your dreams today, making it difficult to approach a situation logically. Paradoxically, you believe that you can be quite precise as you 一项工程,甲单独做要21天,乙单独做要28天完成,现在两人合作生产,其间甲休息1天,以休息3天,从开始到完工,一共经过多少天 请你们帮我写一篇工程测量工作总结好吗?