
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/06 09:24:15
如图,△AOB和△COD均为等腰直角三角形,角AOB=角COD=90°,D在AB上,若AD=1,BD=2,求CD的长 初中英语面试试讲只有15分钟,试讲时是只讲一课的一部分,还是把一课精缩成15分钟全讲出来,因为每一课都有好几个部分,而每个部分都有好几段对话,我只讲一段对话可以吗?希望考过的前辈给 “fun”的形容词形式怎么写? fun(形容词) 已知等腰直角三角形ABC和等腰直角三角形ADE,角BAC=90度,角AED=90度,若等腰三角形ADE绕 A旋转至D、E、C在一条直线上,连接BD,求角BDC的度数,判断BD,CE,AD的关系.图在下面. 城南旧事的主要内容要短,最好50字以内. 冠的多音字组词今晚就要 将这个句子改成被动语态The diagram gives all the results one by one. 几个句子改成被动语态.1、i notices hom wnter the wooden house2、i let him buy a lot of fruits just now.3、his mother makes him do lots of housework.第一题是这样的。i noticede him enter the wooden house. 把这几个句子改成被动语态.| 提问者:就爱吃甩饼 1 people don t speak by people in france.2 they sold thar kind of shoes in this shop last week.3 Gina wrote a story last night.4 we must wear school uniform on weekdays.5 they can t r 补语、状语、定语分别是什么含义?如何使用? 用“勤奋”,“毅力”和“成功”编成一个小故事,急用!一定要一段话, 怎样快速区分宾语、定语、状语和补语?. 定语,状语,补语分别是什么?能举些例子说明下吗,不用太复杂了. 描写诚信做人的段落 描写花的段落 (尽量多一点) fun的形容词是什么, 星火英语附赠的带字幕的mp3,那个字幕怎么出来 英语美文mp3加字幕 帮我改几句被动语态1.We grow corn and wheat in the fields2.They threw all the waste paper into the basket3.I will buy you a present for your birthday4.George heard Alice laughing in the next room5.People speak Englishe all over the 高中北师大版英语必修三的课文单词听力mp3,顺便求一下字幕. 改几句被动语态.1.All living things need air to stay alive2.When people throw rubbish into the river,they pollute the water3.Every year,the Chinese people plant a lot of trees to make the country greener4.People speak English and French in this 请推荐带字幕较好的mp3 学英语用 请各位帮忙改几句被动语态1.He made the telephone call twenty minutes ago.2.Everybody knows his name.3.How many English words had you learned by the end of last term?4.My brother has collected thousands of stamps.5.They will deal with the m 《城南旧事》的主要内容谁知道?简洁一点,不要超过80字. 把句子改成被动语态People oughtn't to criticize her so severely for such a small mistake. 冠多音字组词. 主人公是谁?具体一点是知道帮个忙啦, 求大学英语四级听力MP3,带原文的那种须是带原文的那种啊,好的话我再追加分数! 用分词改写句子1.China's first astronaut,Yang Liwei,who was also very excited,spoke highly of this event.2.Some female astronauts will receive strict training after they pass several exams.3.We believe that China,which is making rapid progress 用分词将句子进行改写If the trees are taken better care of,they will grow better.————————————————,the trees will grow better 我要一段写动物的英文片断,80词左右,