
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/06 07:42:39
车枕 英语怎么说? 求:“发光抱枕”英语怎么说圣诞节送别人一个发光抱枕,但是在写贺卡的时候“发光抱枕”这个词的英文不会,不要网上翻译的 昨晚没睡好!或者昨晚失眠怎么翻译? 昨晚我失眠,一直都在数羊.用英语怎么说不要 I was counting sheep last night. “红”可以用什么字或词代替解释我想用红这个意思却不想用这个字.请多给几个答案,有词可以用吗?听上去有古典韵味的. 枕头英语怎么说? which letter is the body of water among those dead in the wenchuan earthquake were his parents为什么用among而不用between要详细 which of the following is not made of water? the process by which water is changed into ice is called freezing 为什么which前边用which而不是to,at ,for Which letter is a full of water ? 钙指示剂的化学名是什么 碳酸钙的化学名称 碳酸钙等的化学名称?碳酸钙、碳酸氢钠、硫酸盐、硫酸亚铁的化学名称拼写方法? 氢氧化钙化学名怎么写 用英语回答Do you think you can make friends with your parents?Why?4句以上,避免废话 Do you think parents and children,brothers and sisters,close friends and lovers need forgiveness?Why?Can you give an example to support your point of view? Some parents think that they have to help their children ----(choose)their friends. 瘦消这个词有哪个字错了就今天了快 忘加评论这个词里哪个字错了 “专心致至”这个词语哪个字错了 有人在用洪恩朗读者产品吗?对宝宝的早期智力开发有用吗?感觉挺贵的,不知道值不值得买 What do you think of the parents’ role in cultivating children?多话主题 内容大概4分钟 在NCBI提交序列成功后怎么没有收到登录号啊?我NCBI上提交了一段DNA序列,收到回复说10个工作日内以邮件发送登录号,可是现在已经过了半个多月了还没有任何动静,这到底是怎么回事啊? 英语翻译 Which scientist discovered that objects in water are lifted up by a force that helps them float这句话中的两个 that 的含义和区别 Many people panicked that the river,which supplies them with water ,had been p--__- They were interested __________ you told which that C.all that everything问一下A为什么是错的? 英语翻译这个句子是中间是没有标点的、那也不能翻译成:书是珍贵的图书馆啊.书是图书馆?还有请帮忙解释下that可换成which吗?为什么?sorry 图书馆那个单词打错了。 求人教版初中地理的知识点总结,可以的话,顺便告诉我怎样才能记得牢! 中国地理知识琐碎,我要中国地理总结,而且我是人教版的! 地理的基础知识整理(初中)越全越好不要有错的地方呀 为6.10的中考而奋斗!紫荆玉蝶,我看过你提供的那些了,不太好。我想要:地理中国部分要详细资料物理电功率部分要