
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 19:43:41
填词 the puplies do it ( )geoups. Do you know____with the machine?选择A.what matter it is B.what's wrong C.something wrong is D.anything wrong is哪一个,为什么? winter,from,in,December,it,February,is,to,China(.)连词成句 Christmas comes in December.It isthe b___ of JesusChrist.B___…….(亲,有木有上小学六年级的同鞋,我的题目在〈〈听读训练》的P54页的D)部分!急 ______ how to operate a washing machine,I had to ask my wife to show me the correct proceduresA.Not known B.Not to know C.Not knowing D.Having not known Could you show me how l Should operate the machine?(改为简单句)Could you show me______ _______operate the machine? 请教board和committee的区别?同一个公司有两个组织,分别叫group management board和group management committee,请问两者有什么区别? Diversity committee 如何翻译为好? 那个委员会(committee)由十五个委员组成的英语翻译? balanced committee 怎么翻译 I fear of losing ,because I care!求翻译. The more care ,the more fear of losing.May keeping distance be the best way? "周侯中坐而叹曰"中,周侯因为什么而叹息?(世说新语 新亭对泣文言文过江诸人,每至美日,辄相邀新亭,藉 新亭对泣怎么解释,新亭对泣成语解释 对于集合A,B,如B真属于A不成立,则下列正确的是A.集合B的任何一个元素都属于AB.集合B的任何一个元素都不属于AC.集合B中至少有一个元素属于AD.集合B中至少有一个元素不属于A原因是啥 英语翻译原句是这样的In view of continued efforts and recent results,in this paper we describe progress in attempting to address the low ductility of this materials,after 2006.关键是“In view of continued efforts and recent results”这 用每当什么,便什么造句? 用本想.但.便.然后.造句 用一旦……便……造句 The man was__ arrest __murder A.on,with B.under,with C.under,for D.in,for The young man was under arrest for murder.求一同义句啊 Do whatever the committee asks him to do.请教英语大神给翻译一下这句话的意思,把句型语法也给说一下, 翻译一个英语句子 asks him to the shops with her to give money for everything ang carry her bag. 《新亭对泣》泛指囚徒为什么称“楚囚”泛指囚徒为什么称“楚囚” 黄冈实验小学 《综合复习讲练考》数学 六年级 上 苏教版 答案 急啊~~~! 在下面一段对话中,填写上合适的名言警句锲而不舍 填上合适的名言雨后,一只蜘蛛艰难地向墙上已经支离破碎的网爬去.由于墙壁潮湿,它爬到一定高度,就会掉下来,它一次次地向上爬,一次次地又掉下来……第一个人看到了,想到一句名言——— 请问根号2的近似值的全体算集合吗 ( )便成了( )造句 用“每当……便……”造句 三大定律 光学的三大定律及其应用写一些8年级人教版物理的知识