
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 23:11:29
英语翻译they had been misled about the true value of facebook when the deal was signed My little brother is afraid _____at night. A.to going out B.going out 断臂山的插曲“the maker makes"怎么翻译? 英语翻译如题! my notebooks are under the chair 改否定 The woman makes a mistake翻译成中文 请问《断臂山》插曲“the maker makes"的歌词是什么? The maker What is the difference between the terms “entity” and “equity” as used in accounting? Evaluate solutions to the trade-off between equity and efficiency in China’s economic development请帮我想3个solution:1.short-term solution?2.medium-term solution?3.long-term solution?请用英语或者中文回答啊,不是要翻译啊~ 已知tan^2α+cot^2α+sec^2α+csc^2α=7,则sinαcosα The apples are.(under.the chair)对括号部分提问 Activation email has been sent to:zhangjun@163.com是什么意思拜托了各位 谢谢 =∫dx/(2cos^2(x/2)+1)=∫sec^(x/2)dx/(2+sec^2(x/2))怎么出来的?=∫dx/(2cos^2(x/2)+1)=∫sec^(x/2)dx/(2+sec^2(x/2))求详细流程,我知识点. I often buy some books at the b_____.空里填什么 求不定积分∫sin²xdx?原式=∫[(1-cos2x)/2]dx=(1/2)x-(1/2)∫cos2xdx这个怎么来的?怎么有两个1/2?=(1/2)x-(1/4)∫cos2xd(2x)=(1/2)x-(1/4)sin2x+C 过点A(1,0)作倾斜角为π/4的直线,与抛物线y^2=2x交于M,N两点,则MN= 过抛物线y平方=-2x的焦点且与直线y=2x垂直的直线与此抛物线相交于M,N两点,则线段MN的中点坐标是 ae中,粒子会聚成一个图案的效果如何制作,求思路. Explain the difference between "call by value" and "call by reference" in a programming language.How do these apply to the C language? Ciao..now I see your new email address..and I sent you at your old帮忙翻译 You had signup newsletter.A verify Email sent to your email box 已知M(3,1),N为抛物线y²=-4x上的动点,则线段MN的中点轨迹为多少. A copy of the address you should mail the postcard to will be sent to your email account You were sent this email address because a user requested us to do so.We will not keep your email shen me yisi? 手工认证增值税发票密码区改108公司没有买扫描仪,都是这样手工认证的,以前收到增值税专用发票手工认证密码区是108位的,今天要认证发票时,密码区变成84位的,要怎么修改过来? AE怎么做个3d层(用作地面)来接受灯光如图 改错the police are searching the missing man in the forest but they can not find him . 我是在很多特别漂亮的图上看到“FWA”字样的看来是有影响力网站的意思吧 FWA是什么牌? 一个圆柱,它的高增加3cm,侧面积就增加18.84平方厘米,这个圆柱的底面积是( ). 比较负七十七分之七十六和负八十八分之八十七哪个大