
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 21:15:16
"高寿"的英语怎么说?等 英语翻译Almost anyone can benefit from a developmental reading course.For most people unless they have taken a reading course,training in how to read ends with elementary school.This is unfortunate because as the student advances in school,textbo Unit 1Collocation is the way wordscombine in a language to produce natural-sounding speech and writing.In Englandwe say “strong wind” but “heavy rain”.Instead of saying “receive thetelephone”,” open the check”,“receive an operation, 急:求高寿帮我分析以下英语长句的成分?以下是需要分析成分的英语长句,希望在分析之后能有相应的简略的说明讲解,1.In 1978,the Party held the historic Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, 更是英文怎么说 求助道三角函数的题 很奇怪为什么会这样sin(45°+a)+sin(45°-a)=根号2/3直接展开可以得到sina=1/3因为 (45°+a)+(45°-a)=90° 所以sin(45°-a)=cos(45°+a) 把这个代进去再展开为什么会得到cosa=1/3?这个不对的 乡村四月 翁卷 已知0<m<1,解关X的不等式mx/(x-3)>1 已知0 解不等式:已知0 已知0 人们为什么要追求高寿?个人觉得这是很不能理解的.在现在医学的成熟程度来说,高寿并非难事.可是要求太多真的值得吗?你这辈子不吃烧烤,不吃薯片,不吸烟不喝酒(我倒不干这两个),每天要锻 什么年龄是高寿 英语翻译翻译这篇短文It is hard to predict how science is going to turn out,and if it is really good science ,it is impossible to predict.If the things to be found are actually new,they must be unknown in advance.You can not make choices on 三篇英语文章,重赏!1.My view on the popularity of western festivals in China.2.The safety of food3.How to increase your work esperience in university要求:大至是四级以内词汇,大约120至150个词之间.不好意思,第一次提 英语翻译The longer I live,the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.Attitude,to me,is more important than facts.It is more important than the past,than education,than money,than circumstances,than failures,than successes,than what other p 英语翻译Bob Pearson is an old man.He has two big houses and a new car.He has no wife,but he is father of four children.He has two sons and two daughters.One son in from Eng land.His name is Bill.The other son is from America.His name is Mike.One 【意见反馈】作业框题内要是有地理生物政治历史就好了.【你的设备信息:客户端版本:3.2.1,手机型号:IdeaTabA2109A,系统型号:4.1.1,网络类型:Wifi网络】 英语翻译Our class rules1.No talking when someone is speaking.2.No sleeping in class.3.No eating or drink in class.4.Be always on time.5.No playing in class.6.No laughing when someone makes a mistakeThese rules are just my opinion 【意见反馈】问作业那为什么没高中地理 生物什么的【你的设备信息:客户端版本:3.1.2,手机型号:Lenovo A750,系统型号:4.0.4,网络类型:3G网络】 鱼和水的作文400字 "f(x)=x^3"这个地方有点不清楚 已知f(x)在(-1,1)上有意义,f(1/2)=-1,且满足x,y属于(-1,1)时,有f(x)+f(y)=f[(x+y)/(1+xy)].设Bn=n平方+3n+1,求 1+f(1/B1)+f(1/B2)+……+f(1/B2002)+f(1/B2004)的值 1.a·2^(-t/30)求导【答案a·2(-t/30)·(-1/30)·ln2】2.已知函数f(x)=2x^2,g(x)=alnx(a>0),若直线l交f(x)的图像C于A、B两点,与l平行的另一直线l'切图像C于点M;求证A、M、B三点的横坐标成等差数列3.已知f1( 黑龙江教育出版社 扫雷时“两个1夹一个2, 已知分段函数f(x)={2x^3/x+1,x∈(1/2,1],f(x)= 1/3x,x∈[0,1/2],函数g(x)=acos(π/3)-2a+2(a>0).若存在x1,x2∈[0,1],使得f(x1)=f(x2)成立,则实数a的取值范围是? 小鸟为什么可以飞起来 鸟儿是怎么飞起来的? 小鸟问什么会飞起来?如题 鸟是怎么飞起来的? 鸟为嘛能飞起来