
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/02 08:41:56
英语翻译商品销售的金融状况包括汇票和跟单信用证.The financing 这里翻译为金融状况,老师说有问题但是我不知道改为什么好,还有包括应该改为涉及到这个我知道.是documentary打错啊 课文中很多地方对海鸥作了生动的描绘,如“海鸥听见老人唤,马上飞了过来,把他团团围住”.请你选几句感受最深的句子摘抄下来.在课文《老人与海鸥》 为什么爆发美国独立战争 给谭老师写墓碑给谭老师写碑文,老师要求150字以上的,求高手帮忙. 墓碑上 能否刻上 已故先人 生于 xx故于 xxx 享年 xxx岁 请先生赐教 如何做一个有道德有修养的教师 Peter is an office worker.He works in an office in a small town.O____day his boss says to him,"Peter,I w____you to go London,to an office there,to see Mr.Brown."Peter goes London by train.W_____he goes to London,he thinks,"the office isn't f____from 我们老师叫我们写篇作文,题目是《身边美丽的老师》,要求有事例,也就是记叙的意思,感激不尽…… I want tou o____ a bowl of noodles.(补充单词)I want to o____ a bowl of noodles.(补充单词) bob want a bowl of noodles有没有错字 解释一下贴吧里面经常出现的词的意思沙发?LZ?tbc?等等~ 以“走进内心深处”为题写一篇作文 走近.作文600字 Our school is very much far from my home.改错 I m___ my father far from our hometown very much. AaBb自交结果只有一种显性性状的概率? O(∩_∩)O哈哈哈~ there are apples and an orang对吗there be 是不是用就近原则? She______(not leave) home until you____(call) her tomorrow_____you____(find) your purse?---not yet I____(look) for it everywhere,but i didn't find it Are you sure you______(lose) your dictionary ? ----Yes,I____(look)for it everywhere this is an orange.it is orange.为什么第一个加an,而第二个不加an 做任务,O(∩_∩)O哈哈哈~ O(∩_∩)O哈哈哈~ Pigs are under the tree.同义句是什么 暧昧的英文单词是什么? 不再暧昧的英文怎么说? When she got home,tht children went to bed.改错改法是将went改为have gone,但原句的中文翻译也没什么错, 大学英语三 题号:11 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案) 本题分数:5内容:It is _____ not to say “excuse me” when one interrupts impolitely.选项:a、bad manner b、bad manners c、a bad manner d、 爱因斯坦的相对论的内容是什么,量子理论有是什么内容? but this morning.he [get] up at seven o'clock.but this morning.he 这里用ing形式吗?【get】 up at seven o'clock. Ann --- up at six every morning .But she --- up at seven this morning.{get)急, 有关长辈爱晚辈的诗句,父母爱除外.修改:有关亲情的名言 ____you____(get) to school at seven this morning?